My pussy response review

  • Chloe
  • 01-25-2010, 09:14 PM
Well after I had thought that I was going to be able to do a review I was just told I can not. I did do an appointment with a girl in Buffalo, I did write a review to submit . . .BCD hot details as well. If anyone of you boys are interested in seeing it I will send it in a private e-mail. You have to be someone I have seen or screened.

I am not TOO disappointed that I am not able to display it because I understand the reasons underlying it. The most important thing was that I was able to have an unforgettable experience, allowing me to better understand the process and time it take for the guys on here to write, revise and edit before posting a review. It is not easy. It requires a lot of thought and time.

I want to take the time to thank all of you who do reviews. You boost the providers business taking many hours outside of an appointment to write a piece that is honest, respectful and flattering.

I always thought that the guys didn't realize how many hours of work and time it took answering e-mails, screening, waiting to hear back from the refernses building up to the first appointment. Now I realize I never fully understood how much work it took to find a provider you want to see, schedule, donate, and then the extensive writing process afterwards.

Both sides of the fense put a lot of work into this hobby/profession. Proving once more to me how meaningful, vital and beautiful this is
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-25-2010, 09:43 PM
Well done Chloe, well done!

I really think you give us a lot more credit than we deserve. I think the majority of the burden falls on the providers and not the clients. Plus I suppose it all depends on how much time we actually spend writing it. I have done some reviews in 5 minutes and others have taken me hours. I am one of the fortunate ones to have read your review, and I can see you have some time invested in it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
It is to bad you can not post it. I was looking forward to seeing it.
Chloe, your post makes me curious about the reasons for not allowing you to post the review. It struck me that you would be able to if it was a paid engagement and it sounded like you were willing to pay the provider's fee. I'm not curious out of a sense of rebellion, just flat out curiousity is all.

Maybe to take you off the hook, a mod can answer this question.

Given that something like one review is being written for every 20 to 50 engagements taking place, it is nice seeing gratitude from a provider for those who do write reviews.

Whether they help the provider or not is a different issue. It only helps them if the provider makes the experience a good one. You make a point about being a person that is easy to write about as seen in your five reviews from your Buffalo trip.
bagman12804's Avatar
Maybe you can post your review in "Other Reviews " . There is nothing posted there and it seems to me that it should be alowed there
Chloe, it is a masterpiece of erotic prose.
Awesome, Chloe! If only everyone had your passion, intellect and positive attitude. I think I speak for the entire Buffalo contingent when I say... you can't come back to see us again soon enough.
funnyboy's Avatar

Could one of the supermods post it on your behalf????

The world is waiting.
No guys, we won't post it on her behalf. The answer came from the very top of the food chain and it's final. The reasoning is simple, even though she did pay for the session she is still a provider and a provider posting a review would open too many cans of worms and we don't want to go down that road right now.

However, I don't see why Chloe couldn't find some way of incorporating the content of that very sexy review into one of her weekly ad's. Just don't mention the name of the other provider because then it would be an ad by proxy.

  • Chloe
  • 01-26-2010, 11:11 AM
LAP thank you for looking into and asking for me. The decision made was the right one. If I was a strait up lesbian hobbiest maybe there would be room for debate. But I am a provider and I wasn't looking at the craziness that could arise if this trend started.

And I am so glad I made he trip to Buffalo!!! You guys were warmly welcoming and I was able to try out some of your talent as well!!!

I will as I said share it privatly but give some time to get it to you, I am a busy girl!
dawehn's Avatar
Do you have a video you can post instead of the review?
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-28-2010, 05:53 AM
Do you have a video you can post instead of the review? Originally Posted by dawehn
Trust me, I offered to be the videographer!
  • Chloe
  • 01-28-2010, 02:52 PM
No video but a blurry picture I took with my camera phone while she was sucking on my tit
brutusbluto's Avatar
  • Chloe
  • 02-17-2010, 12:54 AM
[nomedia=""]YouTube- Gnarls Barkley - Crazy[/nomedia]