Have you stopped seeing a regular client?

I would like to get opinions from the providers.

I think I am being "fired" lol from a regular provider I have been seeing about once every 4-5 weeks.
We haven't had any bad interactions.
I am getting the cold shoulder. She is still providing so it isn't a break from the hobby.

I know it is her choice so not complaining, but I was just wondering how often this happens with the providers?
I can't be 100% certain if she is dropping me, but I don't want to contact her anymore if she is out of respect.

Have you ever stopped seeing a regular or semi-regular client for reasons other than the obvious reasons? ( safety, negotiating rates, etc. )

What types of hints do you give to the clients to let them know you may want to end the client/provider relationship?
Follow your initial instinct and fall back. If she has moved on, the most useful thing you can do in my opinion is to reflect on your actions and exhibit more mindfulness in the future with other companions you may meet.

From my perspective, being contacted incessantly by someone I no longer wanted to interact with made me feel awkward, and really consumed my mental space to the point where I was dreading even checking my messages at all. The way I processed these feelings derailed/ delayed me being responsive to other people whose company I did enjoy.

The lesson I took away is that I wish I made a clearer cut, sooner. Because even while the onus is only on me as to how together I am in terms of my TCB skills, it didn't really help that I was experiencing low-key stalking for a few weeks.

I can't be 100% certain if she is dropping me, but I don't want to contact her anymore if she is out of respect.

In the example I alluded to, in the end, I did not hint. I sent a very thorough, yet civil parting ways note. Which in my opinion is a courtesy and not an obligation as I expended immense amounts of energy to make sure I was articulating myself in ways that were transparent yet gentle.

What types of hints do you give to the clients to let them know you may want to end the client/provider relationship?
I'm not a provider dude....butt you sounded pretty needy in your post. That is No way to be playing here dude.

Just be a safe visit and don't gross the ladies out. IMO
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Don't overthink it and follow your first instinct. I have left a final message before with a provider and put it on her to contact me if she was still interested in seeing me. I made sure to let her know that there were no hard feelings on my part. Real life happens to everyone so let it happen to her. The awesome thing about DFW is that there are so many awesome providers to help you move on from an ATF.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Don't get hung up on some pussy bro. It will eat you alive
ElBombero's Avatar
Sounds like fucking 7th grade shit.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
The only thing you are certain in this situation is you. Plus the lack of interest she is sending you is very clear as day. That is like a deer in the headlights situation.

The good thing about it is this is actually your way out. Use this route to get out and simply break the rapport. There is no need to text and connect to her in any way.

Just bug out and disappear.

Zero interest, zero APR, goodbye babe.
There are very few things in life one can be 100% sure of. You're bringing this torment to yourself if that's what you're expecting before moving on.

If things between you and such provider became so that you felt you had to ask others about it, you already have your answer. The best thing you can do is take your mind off it and maybe find the next provider that will treat you the way you want to be treated.
How long were you a regular? You mentioned how often, but didn't say how long.

That being said, with so many wonderful providers in this area, I just don't see how one can get so hung up on one provider to see them that frequently.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I'm not in DFW, but I have been seeing a provider in my area for over a year now. Our setup is pretty awesome, she texts me and asks me if I'm working a certain day BEFORE she puts up an ad, or I call her when i wanna be serviced. She even answers the phone when she is at the RW job, and I swing by after she gets off work. She has never turned me away, but when the day comes when she is tired of dealing with me, I'll accept it and move on. It's a perfect setup.
Mavs fan's Avatar
DO NOT contact her again. If she contacts you again in the future don't be available. If she persists then go ahead and see her and the service will be off the charts. All women hooker or civvie want what they can't have. If she never contacts you again then she didn't like you much anyway so who cares? I have seen hookers get jealous just like girlfriends they can't help it they are women and women are fucking crazy. (pay attention here) FUCKING CRAZY!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-28-2017, 09:55 PM
Sounds like fucking 7th grade shit. Originally Posted by ElBombero
These guys are too emotional now a days
PeterBota's Avatar
Buy her a car
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
You are a paycheck
You are a trick
You are one in a million(literally)
You are another John, Trick, Customer
You are next in line
You are the daddy figure she didn't have
You are the reason she can make her car payment, house payment, obtain Christmas for her kids, put food on her table or whatever vices she partakes in.
You are eventually forgotten

You are not her boyfriend
You are not a future boyfriend
You are not a future husband
You are not her savior
You are not the love of her life
You are not her world

Don't get your feelings hurt if she now rejects you and cuts off all communication. She has her reasons. Move on, She has.
Commitment sucks.

Yep ... that's why we providers are providers .... and commitment is NOT on the table.