I have a provider-friend who was receiving some questionable and creepy texts from a number she didn't recognize last night, but they must have been from someone who "knows her" or someone "who has visited her before"... because they knew parts of her lifestyle, and they were asking her "if she was home". (which to my knowledge she was NOT at the time).
She sent me a screenshot of their texts, and I saw the number they were from. After a quick Google search, I found that the number that was texting her belongs to a local Pensacola business. I texted my findings to her, but I have not heard from her since.
I've texted her back a couple more times last night asking her just to let me know if she was okay, then I texted her back a couple hours ago just to check-up on her, but no reply (she DOES have a track-record of not texting back right away, or sometimes not even until the next day).
I'd "like" to check-up on her, but I live over an hour away, and I never drop-in on a provider uninvited or unannounced.
Needless to say, I'm concerned.
Any advice?