Mz. Berry pics

I was just going thru bp and seen some pics that looked familiar. vh1's show they had with ray j..... for the love of ray j, i think, had a woman on that looks very very similiar to the girl in these photos. although i couldnt find pics of "Mz. Berry" that i seen on bp, i did find many other posts with the same number. pics with women that look NOTHING like the girl in the photo. one of the other posts is even using another pic someone is using as a fake in kc. just thought it was funny.... still using famous people pics. some of them using same pics same day different city..... whats the point? for fun?
All I want to know is who that girl in the refridgerator pic is? I know that ad is fake and still want to call! lol Probably my favorite pic on bp right now.
Thanks for the heads up Tina and good research. I thought that ad was pretty funny myself
That's not Ms Berry, although there is a resemblance.

But...the 2nd one...."Brooke" from Vegas. That same photo (the first one) is being used by a Dallas provider who was recently banned. Her profile is here
ya she has new pics up, could be her, but i really doubt it.... ya the fridge girl is hott!!! howd she get an ass like that??? show me! lol
perpetualdesign's Avatar
"howd she get an ass like that??? show me!"

You already know as well as I do! What you see is not what you get.
ahh come on guys, don't ruin it for me!!