The Republicans are all confused.....

They want to act like we are Bolivia. Or El Salvador. Where you solve problems by throwing shit at each other, or where lawmakers settle differences by punching each other or pulling each other's hair..... and acting like 5 year olds. Or by attacking legislation that has been passed by the house....passed by the senate.....approved by the Supreme Court of the United States....further approved by the people of the United States of America by the re-election of the President who passed the legislation.....further approved by the fact that the Republicans in the house have tried more than 40 times to repeal the legislation....and have failed.

What the fuck? It's the law people.....let's fully enact it and let's see how it plays out. If we have to tweek it, then let's tweek it. You aren't going to get argument from us on this....we want to make it work. But, arguing....without anything other than anecdotal support.....that it is not going to work.....and arguing that providing health care and and health insurance for all Americans is anything other than a good and a laudable idea that we should all be working toward.? Man, that is so stupid that nobody will be able to understand it. You can try the old argument about folks trying to get something for nothing. But, how does that bullshit apply to sick folks and kids?

You guys are on the wrong side of this. I get your arguments. But, they are morally incorrect. And, if you have half a brain, you know I am right.

You're in the last century.
They want to act like we are Bolivia. Or El Salvador. Where you solve problems by throwing shit at each other, or where lawmakers settle differences by punching each other or pulling each other's hair..... and acting like 5 year olds. Or by attacking legislation that has been passed by the house....passed by the senate.....approved by the Supreme Court of the United States....further approved by the people of the United States of America by the re-election of the President who passed the legislation.....further approved by the fact that the Republicans in the house have tried more than 40 times to repeal the legislation....and have failed.

What the fuck? It's the law people.....let's fully enact it and let's see how it plays out. If we have to tweek it, then let's tweek it. You aren't going to get argument from us on this....we want to make it work. But, arguing....without anything other than anecdotal support.....that it is not going to work.....and arguing that providing health care and and health insurance for all Americans is anything other than a good and a laudable idea that we should all be working toward.?

You're in the last century. Originally Posted by timpage
Speaking of the last century. Would anyone care to hazard a guess regarding who made these two quotes and when they were made?

QUOTE #1---"Never in the history of the world has any measure been brought here so insidiously designed as to prevent recovery, to enslave workers and to prevent any possibility of the employees providing any work for the people."

QUOTE #2---"This bill opens the door and invites the entrance into the political field of a power so vast, so powerful as to threaten the integrity of our institutions and to pull the pillars of the temple down upon the heads of our descendants."

Were these two individuals making reference to the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare?

Nope, these two quotes were from Republican members of the US Congress and they were made in 1935 about the Social Security Act. They were spoken by NY Representatives John Taber and James Wadsworth.

Hello, does anyone other than me see a pattern?
They want to act like we are Bolivia. Or El Salvador. Where you solve problems by throwing shit at each other, or where lawmakers settle differences by punching each other or pulling each other's hair..... and acting like 5 year olds. Or by attacking legislation that has been passed by the house....passed by the senate.....approved by the Supreme Court of the United States....further approved by the people of the United States of America by the re-election of the President who passed the legislation.....further approved by the fact that the Republicans in the house have tried more than 40 times to repeal the legislation....and have failed.

What the fuck? It's the law people.....let's fully enact it and let's see how it plays out. If we have to tweek it, then let's tweek it. You aren't going to get argument from us on this....we want to make it work. But, arguing....without anything other than anecdotal support.....that it is not going to work.....and arguing that providing health care and and health insurance for all Americans is anything other than a good and a laudable idea that we should all be working toward.? Man, that is so stupid that nobody will be able to understand it. You can try the old argument about folks trying to get something for nothing. But, how does that bullshit apply to sick folks and kids?

You guys are on the wrong side of this. I get your arguments. But, they are morally incorrect. And, if you have half a brain, you know I am right.

You're in the last century. Originally Posted by timpage
Babel on...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of the last century. Would anyone care to hazard a guess regarding who made these two quotes and when they were made?

QUOTE #1---"Never in the history of the world has any measure been brought here so insidiously designed as to prevent recovery, to enslave workers and to prevent any possibility of the employees providing any work for the people."

QUOTE #2---"This bill opens the door and invites the entrance into the political field of a power so vast, so powerful as to threaten the integrity of our institutions and to pull the pillars of the temple down upon the heads of our descendants."

Were these two individuals making reference to the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare?

Nope, these two quotes were from Republican members of the US Congress and they were spoken in 1935 about the Social Security Act. They were spoken by NY Representatives John Taber and James Wadsworth.

Hello, does anyone other than me see a pattern? Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes. There is a pattern. Government does learn from its mistakes.
Yes. There is a pattern. Government does learn from its mistakes. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is unfortunate for us all that you don't learn from yours!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have, BiSex. That is why I no longer blindly believe or trust the government, like you.
It is unfortunate for us all that you don't learn from yours! Originally Posted by bigtex
I have Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, you are a classic, textbook example of Einstein's definition of insanity:

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
chefnerd's Avatar
Actually they are confused because they are now against what they used to be for.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
whatever they is or was...
Who is "they" and in what ways are they confused and standing against what they use to be for?

Actually they are confused because they are now against what they used to be for. Originally Posted by chefnerd
A liberal buffoon advising the opposition how to act..............TFF.....

Oh, and it's the "law" so you can't change it; at least not by the legislative process....but executive orders (handed down by The Emperor) are okey dokey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Obamacare law that went into effect October 1st is NOT the Obamacare law that was voted on and approved by Congress. It is not the Obamacare law that was ruled constitutional by SCOTUS.

Speaking of buffoons heeeeers whirrly.
Avoid refuting the facts with your own substantial analysis; name calling is about all you can muster in this forum.
Avoid refuting the facts with your own substantial analysis; name calling is about all you can muster in this forum. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Spoken by the same guy who repeatedly uttered the now infamous "substantial analysis" in this forum:

Wisconsin and America are "Trending" Romney!
Avoid refuting the facts with your own substantial analysis; name calling is about all you can muster in this forum. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I will if I see any. I don't refute opinions.