Is this how it ends? I hope so. (public version)

Went to the dallas county health and human services STD dept last week.
Not having any symptoms, I just wanted to be honest, legit, and truthful as I overcome my self esteem issues and pursue civilian women .

My choice was a full screening with HIV or only HIV and get the tests in about an hour, like lenscrafters.

I went for the full screen. I was told that the results would be back in 3-5 days. So call back 5 days from now. I got an id number and phone nubmer to call to get my results. I would get the results over the phone if I was clean , but if they find HIV or Syphillus then they would make me come in for the results.

Being that I am on presciption mood meds I did not feel the anixiety or shame of some one that may have been expericening symptoms.

The whole process with appointment took about 40 minutes , which inluded waiting time and also going to another floor to pee in a cup.

I did notice at three girls there that were super hot, even though they all obviously put out , this was not the circimstances some one should be asking for phone nubmers. \

I spent the next 4 days thinking how would I handlle it if I were HIV pos? MAgic Johnson has been positve for over twenty hyears and he anint dead, but he is rich.

In a nut shell HIV is not a death sentence like it was 20 years ago. Like Chis Rock said, they aint curing it , they are just amking it so you can live with it, There aint no money in a cure. On youtube there are tons of videos by regular people who share thier experiences how they found out , how long ago , yadda yadda. If some one has HIV they can harbor it and never get AIDS them selves. finally therer are alot of HIV positve dfating sites on the web.
\Coulding wait unitl Tuesday so i called for my results today. waiting on hold to speak with some one , pulse racing , literally sweating. THe results would determine how I would live the rest of my life. Anything ovther than HIV I can deal with.

The results were all NEGATIVE!! I did ask her twice.

At this point I am guessing that some might think that I was positive for something, but becasue I brought up the topic I will just say All the tests came up negative so i can stay active in this community. Not so, If it was something that could not be cured, I would not have followed up with a new thread and eventlly been forgotten,

I thought about how many girls I have barebacked since I started this hobby, and it is betwen 20-30, most multiple times.
I never won the lottery but these test reults may be as close as I'll ever come.

Good enough.

since posting I have been to a suburban amp for a meassge and a handy. That doesnt count against me does it?
Caseykassum's Avatar
Hidaka, thanks for sharing your story.
No doubt many of us fit well in the elements that define your story and can reflect on what you have conveyed.
Well written and nicely done. Glad you will be around for a while.
damn, provider price index just went up 0.006% based upon increased demand.

on a serious note, happy that you are STD-free. sometimes guilt can prove to be a powerful psuedo-symptom.
Texas_Seeker's Avatar
I'm glad you're well. But I'm wondering how long it's going to take your box to fill up from all the PM's you're going to get asking about the girls you've BB'd.