This provider goes by several names.... BBW EBONY STARR is one. She always seems to only work in the Irving OR the Las Colinas area. She has various phone numbers and she does have a website but it never works Or is VERY VERY generic with hardly contains ANY pertinent information!
Same chick, different number!
Providers wonder why hobbyists, like myself, are always NERVOUS. This is why! The providers research us, but the smart hobbyist should ALWAYS research them!



I was born at night, just NOT last night!
TrailBlazer's Avatar
I doubt LE. Ghetto Pimped most likely. Changes names to avoid LE.
ManSlut's Avatar
I agree with the trailblazer in post #2 ...It is a concern that her website is bad and her links are fraudulent, but if you do not know for a fact she is LE, you shouldn't post SUSPICIONS, just the facts.
  • Sami
  • 12-02-2013, 04:04 PM
I agree it is suspicious behavior, however I agree with the others. It could be any number of reasons she is changing her number. That's why it is always best to research the lady as you have. If I was a gentleman, I would Not go.. When one changes names and numbers very often, normally her actions have caught up with her. Keep safe out there all!!

This provider goes by several names.... BBW EBONY STARR is one. She always seems to only work in the Irving OR the Las Colinas area. She has various phone numbers and she does have a website but it never works Or is VERY VERY generic with hardly contains ANY pertinent information!
Same chick, different number!
Providers wonder why hobbyists, like myself, are always NERVOUS. This is why! The providers research us, but the smart hobbyist should ALWAYS research them!



I was born at night, just NOT last night! Originally Posted by trailblazer3722
I agree that it's doubtful that she's LE .
She has posted ads in many states. Local LE wouldn't do that.
Here is a list of some of her ads:
Does she/he have an Adam's apple?..
Looking at the pics, you should be able to out run her if she is. So don't worry about it.
playaplaya's Avatar
Looking at the pics, you should be able to out run her if she is. So don't worry about it. Originally Posted by Jarvis
Oh geez, I'm cramping up here!
Lmao you guys are too funny lol