Special Tribute during Emmy's Tonight

To some, if not all, I'm pretty sure this is not going to be headline news since it was announced 5 days ago.....but just a little reminder (to those of you who've not heard yet) that during The Emmy's presentations this evening, Mr Billy Crystal will make a brief appearance and share a few thoughts with us.

Mr Crystal will make what will probably be a very heart felt / emotional tribute to his long-time friend, Robin Williams, who took his own life just two weeks ago today. To me, it's still really hard to believe he is gone.....and yet I know, this is the case.

Robin and Billy shared time on the screen and stage numerous times throughout their brilliant careers. It only makes sense that he's the one to share a few words about his good friend. I can only imagine what he'll have to say this evening. Normally I don't watch awards shows on tv.....but tonight I will.