9 year old Girl Kills Instructor

Fast Gunn's Avatar
You would think that adults could assess the consequences of their actions, but apparently they are unable to spot obvious dangers even when they are literally under their noses.

A 9 year old girl killed her shooting instructor in Arizona when she lost control of the Uzi she was trying to fire striking him in the head.

To my mind, a 9 year old has no business in a shooting range to begin with , but to turn her loose with a fully loaded Uzi machine gun set on automatic is a screaming warning sign. Why isn't this mortal danger obvious to anyone with even a shred of common sense?

. . . Personally, I would not permit anyone under 18 years of age to even enter a shooting range. Conditions may be different in war zones, but to my mind, in a civilized society, little girls should be playing with dolls not machine guns.

MrThom's Avatar
It is a horrific tragedy, to be sure. And the lack of wisdom that the parents used in this is appalling.
No child should be handling Automatic Weapons. In that we agree. But I live in the country, and am teaching my kiddoes to shoot. It is my right, and its the right thing to do.
I was an instructor at a gun range, and have tought kids, youth, women and men from 10 to 60 about firearms, and the proper way to use and care for them.
In the 80+ years that my range has been in existence, there have been no gun shot injuries on site.
We teach kids 10-17 skeet shooting. Its a shotgun sport, and 2 of our kids have gone on to Olympic Teams.
I also threw the mayors son off the field for being a jackass and playing with his shotgun. When you hear about kids and guns, you see bad things. When I hear about kids and guns, I see good things.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I saw the interview w another inductor at that range after the tragedy. He said he has taught 5 year old kids.

Small handgun. ... sure. Low caliber rifle. ... sure. Soft shotgun. .... sure

Automatic Uzi.....get the fuck out of here

And the parents videoed the training so we could all see the little girl lose control of the weapon add it was firing on automatic. Just too sad and stupid
tia travels's Avatar
Like my Mom said....the poor girl has to live with the memory of killing her instructor for the rest of her life. That's going to mess her up.
Solemate62's Avatar
Like my Mom said....the poor girl has to live with the memory of killing her instructor for the rest of her life. That's going to mess her up. Originally Posted by tia travels
Agreed! This nation has become so twisted and warped with respect to the gun craze, that alleged adults, like this child's parents, send her off to a shooting range to play with an Uzi, instead of being home with friends her age and being a little girl!
Squarenot's Avatar
Very sad story.
Sad that the firearms instructor did not control the situation sufficiently and lost his life as a result. Sad too for his family. I can't imagine putting any automatic weapon in the hands of a 9-year old. I am sure that there are some parents that want that to happen and some firearms instructors that have no problem with assisting. But, I do think there are better things/activities for 9-year olds.
As Tia points out, the little girl will no doubt carry that memory for the rest of her life. I sincerely hope that she is able to cope.
Prime Time's Avatar
Ahhh, Bullets and Burgers. The only thing missing is some cold beer.
dtymh55's Avatar
A single shot 22 caliber is better for a child of that age to learn to shoot. With proper training.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
inductor??? Originally Posted by flsts08b
bojulay's Avatar
Wow, too sad.

Feel sorry for the little girl that will have to deal with
the memory of the incident. Hope they can help her
understand that it wasn't her fault.

No, a child should not be allowed to operate a full automatic machine gun.
Like no, never.
pyramider's Avatar
Look on the bright side, maybe she will become a sniper.
Shame on the parents who thought it would be cool, bad move on the instructors part agreeing to it but what a cost. Shame on the media for showing the video! That guy deserves some respect!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The funny thing is that the Federal Law already prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from owning a gun.

. . . Looks like the safety blocks in the Federal Law were removed from firing ranges and someone did not think through the entire necessary extent of the prohibition.