Fully Vaccinated Texas Governor Tests Positive For Covid


It seems he gets tested weekly. The last test showed positive.

This would have been a good test case. He should have avoided taking all of those anti-body treatments and see just how sick he would get, and if the vaccine would indeed give a higher degree of protection.
He gets special treatment and the rest of us get to wait in line and die, what a frigging special guy.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Right to the Regereron at taxpayer expense. I read he rushed to the ICU. From the office of the Gubner.
Attached Images File Type: jpg Abbott-Covid.jpg (116.1 KB, 71 views)
texassapper's Avatar
He gets special treatment and the rest of us get to wait in line and die, what a frigging special guy. Originally Posted by Hdtown
Same deal that Joey Puddin and Karmela get. What's your point? You think any politician anywhere is going to wait in line like us plebes? And if you were the governor, you'd get the exact same treatment.

Right to the Regereron at taxpayer expense. I read he rushed to the ICU. From the office of the Gubner. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
See the above.
bambino's Avatar
Same deal that Joey Puddin and Karmela get. What's your point? You think any politician anywhere is going to wait in line like us plebes? And if you were the governor, you'd get the exact same treatment.

See the above. Originally Posted by texassapper
Who the fuck do you think are paying for the vaccines? BTW, this is meant for the Wanderer. I clicked the wrong post.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 09:39 AM
He gets special treatment and the rest of us get to wait in line and die, what a frigging special guy. Originally Posted by Hdtown

Care to post documented Proof of your allegation - dpst poster?
What special treatment?
And - how would You have access to Abbott's medical records in violation of HIPPA Laws?

How is 'your treatment' different???
or, are You protesting the coming DPST socialized Medicare for All - meaning no medicine for nobody but nomenklatura.?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Same deal that Joey Puddin and Karmela get. What's your point? You think any politician anywhere is going to wait in line like us plebes? And if you were the governor, you'd get the exact same treatment.

See the above. Originally Posted by texassapper
Point is Abbott's a big pussy. Fights like Hell againsts mask mandates, holds meetings where hundreds gather maskless.. Then rushes to get regeneron, despite being fully vaxxed. Just like that Ex-President did.

Abbott's break-through infection should alarm anti-vaxxers though. He was an early vax recipient, and a good example of why boosters are necessary.
bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 09:48 AM
Thank U CT - another DPST vote for communist mandates and Control of teh Peoples
you of all folks should know teh dangers of Communist takeover.

rose colored glasses ~!

Ever hear of Obama's Birthday party - 'whehe Hundred gathered maskless" - Denial, deflection. and nonsense from DPST propaganda. When Your Leaders do it - it is jsut fine
When Abbott is 'accused of it' - time for a conniption fit!
VitaMan's Avatar
The last paragraph starts:

"Governor Abbott is fully vaccinated against COVID-19", then the 2nd paragraph:

"Governor Greg Abbott today tested positive for the COVID-19 virus"

seem to be an oxymoron.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 09:59 AM
Vitamin = get a degree in immunology , or an MD - then write a constructive post.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Point is Abbott's a big pussy. Fights like Hell againsts mask mandates, holds meetings where hundreds gather maskless.. Then rushes to get regeneron, despite being fully vaxxed. Just like that Ex-President did. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Interesting take, given that President Trump tested positive and was treated before the vaccine was available. I’m not so sure your “just like the ex president” argument holds water.
Abbott's break-through infection should alarm anti-vaxxers though. He was an early vax recipient, and a good example of why boosters are necessary.
People aren’t “anti-vax”, they don’t want it themselves but couldn’t care less if others do. That’s called pro freedom, not anti anything. What Abbott’s “breakthrough” does is reaffirm that the jab doesn’t work and not taking an experimental medication is the right decision.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Interesting take, given that President Trump tested positive and was treated before the vaccine was available. I’m not so sure your “just like the ex president” argument holds water.

People aren’t “anti-vax”, they don’t want it themselves but couldn’t care less if others do. That’s called pro freedom, not anti anything. What Abbott’s “breakthrough” does is reaffirm that the jab doesn’t work and not taking an experimental medication is the right decision. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I should have clarified that Trump's vax was Chlorophyll

The jab does work. Abbott said so himself, that the jab likely is protecting him. Pro freedom? Fuck. You anti-vaxxers are restricting our freedoms. Your bullshit stance is the reason we now have so many restrictions.
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 10:11 AM
CT - Quote ( accurately) - Pro freedom? Fuck. You anti-vaxxers are restricting our freedoms. Your bullshit stance is the reason we now have so many restrictions.

Trump hate and TDS - and spewing nonsense propaganda - CT!
Freedom is the Right to choose One's medical care in concert with One's Physician.

Freedom - is NOT fiden mandated forced vaccinations for all - regardless of medical history and personal choice.

Your 'Freedom' - is something your beloved Comrade Xi would approve of.

No anti-vaxxer is standing in the way of You getting vaccinated - CT
you want to Force vaccination on Others

And 'that' - is not Freedom.
VitaMan's Avatar
Vitamin = get a degree in immunology , or an MD - then write a constructive post. Originally Posted by oeb11

You mean a DPST degree ?