House Party this Saturday the 29th - sorry for short notice

MajorHands's Avatar
Having another house party this Saturday the 29th. As usual, there is no cover and BYOB. The party is in a private home with dancers/providers joining us with 4 private rooms (big enough for small group fun as well). If you have previously attended and have my email, reach out that way for details, otherwise PM me. Expect 6-10 girls to include the amazing MacKenzie who will be back in town, Emma, Genie, some other familiar faces and a few new arrivals as well. The party starts at 8pm and goes until whenever...aside from our parties just being about the play and not the pay (for us), one advantage our parties have over previous venues is the comfort and privacy of the private rooms with actual beds and doors that close. It's a nice relaxed social setting with opportunities for some adventurous fun.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I miss the blue plastic tarps as walls

thin walls make for awesome who is the loudest bitch err ops lady competition
Jessica Alba is Hot's Avatar
Sounds like a great time. Also, no cover a plus. You guys have no reason not to show considering Legacy's parties are on temporary - or is it permanent - hiatus.