Long time no see!

EmilySmile08's Avatar
Hello Des Moines! It’s been far too long, I am thinking of heading to town in early July
Just poking my head in to see if there is interest or would like to connect with old friends.

Also thinking about maybe dancing while in town. Recommendations would be awesome

My personal favs for dancers is Beach Girls. Outer Limits has its ups and downs but i have a good time when I'm there, but the girls don't make as much money working there. Minx is terrible as of late in my opinion. More worried about selling food and drinks than entertaining. I would love to visit when you are here, let us know where you decide please.
les123's Avatar
Funny you say that about minx X2. I drove by on Saturday night about 10:30 and it looked like the only cars in the parking lot were employee cars. I remember pre Covid it was hard to get a seat most places.
EmilySmile08's Avatar
Hey fellas I may be heading your way soon! Haven’t been in a cpl years