What do Women Want From Their Photos?

What makes a sensual photograph that jumps off the page into the laps of the viewers? Every woman has her own definition as does every viewer. Snapping a good photo is easy. Snapping the right photo is challenging. Good photography begins with communication. So what does a woman want from her photos?
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ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hi Meeshee,

Well, some of would love to find a photographer who could visit Dallas and offer services for free to photograph some of us who are SO unphotogenic that it's just the challenge of trying to get a good image that would be your reward!

But to answer your question, I wish for an image to represent what and who I am. I'm imperfect but I'm a sensual woman who is multifaceted. So I would, ideally, like to have a series of photos that represent that idea.

The boudoir photos are always appreciated but I like a more artsy approach such as certain body parts, different location shoots (I'm working on that one with my photographer in due time) and a series of outfits.

What so many of us are looking for, and I believe that I'm speaking for others as well, is that "something" that is an intangible quality that does require a photographer who is also an artist ... and with that artistic quality, can capture that "something" that the lady can offer.

Finally, although I do know that you focus on the higher end aspects of escorting, I would like to have some pictures that represent that I can appreciate a man who is a blue collar worker just as much as an elegant man who can speak of existentialism and other esoteric topics. In other words, for me to enjoy an experience and appreciate a man, he doesn't need to know my favorite color or even discuss politics (sometimes an earthy grunting will do just fine)! So there is something there to consider as well.

Maybe some nature pictures with a plaid shirt on, sleeves rolled up and nothing else?

So those are my thoughts on a snowy Dallas morning.

Hope this helps!

atlcomedy's Avatar
a signed authorization from the venue the photos are taken, if necessary
Yes, this is essential. When I tour, I prefer small, boutique hotels. This gives me more flexibility on what I can do because they know that I'm a boudoir photographer and are ok with it.

The larger hotels are concerned about exploitation of their property in those photos. Authorization is typically granted to commercial photography outfits and can be tricky to obtain for non commercial photographers.

This is why I prefer to shoot in my boudoir studio or in rented, private homes.
I work with all different kinds of women and all body types from all walks of life. Ages range between 19-55, no joke. A recent client and good friend is a BBW and is one of the most photogenic women I've ever worked with. She has a sensuality that comes to life in front of the camera. But I'm also quite skilled in working with women who dread being in front of the camera. It's hard work! And most ladies are not professional models. I talk about this in my blog entry, "Beauty Bestowed" http://www.meesheephotography.com/blog/?p=80 . It's a must-read.

That intangible quality that you talk about I believe is summed up in my philosophy: every woman has her own unique, private beauty and that is what I look for. Some of that beauty whispers shyly, some of it screams. In every case, I work on quite an intimate level, one-on-one with her until I capture it with my camera. Without my passion, I couldn't do it.

I love the fact that you like an artistic approach to sensual photography. I recently photographed a girl on a convertible car, another in a forest and body parts of yet another. They're all on my site. Ladies are finding more and more that the answer to success is journalizing her persona. I talk about that in my blog Mimicking Madonna - http://www.meesheephotography.com/blog/?p=83

I spend a lot of time consulting with clients by phone about a week prior to a shoot. I build my ideas for the shoot based upon how she wants to portray herself. Then, I build a story board so that when she arrives at the shoot the whole afternoon is planned out. It works out great every time.

Nowadays, boudoir has taken on a whole new meaning. It includes your classic boudoir as we know it, glam, artsy, explicit, erotic, indoor, outdoor, contemporary, urban. We are no longer limited to 'the sheet's' so to speak which is quite liberating.

Anyways, I'm blabbing. I'd love to come to Dallas for a tour. If I can rally enough clients, I'll be there.
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nebtex1's Avatar
How about what a guy wants to see in a providers photos ...

for me at least 1 shot of full frontal nudity in the standing and sitting position so you get and accurate idea about the boobs. Come-on Ladys this is the hobby!

Also a nice face shoot ... but I can understand why some do not want to show their face (you never know where it will end up or who will see it).
I can appreciate wanting to get a fair idea of the woman in whom you are interested and full frontal nudity shots gives you just that. However, not showing face is an issue of discretion. As a photographer, I know that there are many ways to show breasts.

Many men and women believe that less is more. I think that full nudity, done in a tasteful and elegant manner can be quite titillating. I'm open to shooting any style that is requested of me.
shooter6.5's Avatar
that is an absolutely beautiful photo. My type of picture. Beautiful woman with a bit of shyness and a hint of innocense. You send her to Dallas. I'd see her at the airport!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing that I REALLY have a hard time with when getting photos taken is how to pose. Seriously, I have like NO idea what to do: how to sit, how to stand, where to put my hands... Guidance and posing suggestions from my photographer are extremely welcome.
Hi Carrie - Many of my clients feel the same as you. I frequently coach them, identifying their positive parts, downplaying others. This is a process in which I guide them on various poses often demonstrating the pose myself. Being a woman, I find it's easier that way and usually they catch on immediately. This makes the whole process easier for them and their confidence builds. Usually, by a third of the way through the shoot my coaching sort of fades away as she begins to flow into the groove. Either way, we get awesome pictures.
BTW, I didn't see a photo gallery on your site?
What makes a sensual photograph that jumps off the page into the laps of the viewers? Every woman has her own definition as does every viewer. Snapping a good photo is easy. Snapping the right photo is challenging. Good photography begins with communication. So what does a woman want from her photos? Originally Posted by Meeshee
I agree with Shooter 6.5
A Beautiful woman with a bit of shyness and a hint of innocense and Spread eagled in a seductive way.
These Pictures i have posted is all of that, Perky Nips, Lips slighty apart, Spread eagled, Beautiful Long Hair, Purrrfect.

And Sometimes, I like that Seductive LOOK in her eyes as in this Picture:

Sorry but there are a few pictures here. Which one specifically do you refer to?
I love photos with atmosphere.My favorite photo was taken by Meeshee, and has a sort of film noirish look to it.Photos that have an old Hollywood style , or in the case of film noir old Hollywood glam with a dark side seem to just ooze sensual. If a photo looks like it belongs on the cover of a pulp fiction novel I think that is about as sexy as it gets.On the flip side I also like natural out door photos where you are able to show a more natural side to others without all the glam.

Most escort photographers seem to stick with the Playboy/Maxim look.That is a shame because there are so many fun ways to be sexy even for those of us who are terribly camera shy.

PS... Carrie , I am also terrible at posing, Meeshee was great at helping me with that.If she ever makes it to your area I can highly reccomend her.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 02-13-2010, 11:41 PM
There are many excellent points raised here. Like other ladies, I feel like I haven't the foggiest idea how to pose and Meeshee is great with that. I like originality, creativity, and I like my photos to come across to the gents as someone who they would enjoy spending time with. The sexy seductive look is great, but some gents love a smiley happy look as well.

I want my pics to say that I'm versatile, original, creative, have a pleasant demeanor, and am basically a happy person.

BTW, Meeshee is fantastic to work with. Just fantastic...!