Birth Control?

  • hd
  • 02-12-2010, 02:21 PM
The thread in "Question of Legality" (Provider pregnancy) begs me to ask if any providers use birth control and what kind? I certainly understand that you may or may not want children when you're out of this business, or maybe while you are! I've had no concerns with my SO for many years so I'm ignorant to what's available now.
Condoms are a form, but if that is all that is used, what would you do if it happens? And I know this opens up a can of worms for providers and clients alike, so, if any want to add any comments besides birth control, have at it.
Thank the powers that be I have been spayed!
Well, just like in the civvie world, if the worst happens, Plan B (the "morning after pill") is always available. And it can be had without a prescription now (as long as you're over 17 years old).

I take oral contraceptives. They aren't ideal for a lot of ladies for various reasons, but there are a LOT of alternatives: