Menu Acronyms in Public Access

ANONONE's Avatar
Just a thought. . .

We should consider putting the menu acronyms down in the Premium portion of the review or allowing private tags.

I happened to be doing some research and when I used Bing and Google, the abstract showed these menu items. i never really thought about it until that happened, but I think that means that LE (and anyone else we might prefer not see that info like an SO or PI) can see that as they browse.

From a board community perspective, we can nudge lurking gents to premium, because they will need to join to see the details of the reviews.

This might not be a huge security issue, but it might provide folks with more peace of mind, if they are worried about prying eyes.

swwaustin's Avatar
Good point Anon. I have wondered about this too, but I am not sure that is the answer.
Using today's member numbers
Premium 2034
Registered 12595
Sponsors 15
Advertisers 27
Providers 972
Eliminating the Premium members, sponsors, advertisers, and providers leaves us with 9547 registered members. That's 75% of the ECCIE population that we would be limiting information to. Yes, ideally we would want them to become premium members, but for whatever reason they do not. I think it might be best to keep it as an option, we all have the option to write "see Rest of story" in the activities field.
ANONONE's Avatar
. . .we all have the option to write "see Rest of story" in the activities field. Originally Posted by swwaustin
That seems like a really good solution. Mods/Admis, is that permissible for those that are concerned about the menu items being available to anyone with a computer?