Venting on Texting

I wrote a whole book here about how texting is not perfect.
Vented. All better now. Erased it.
So never mind.
I ALWAYS have a phone conversation with a new potential client. I understand that may be old fashioned. There is sooo much info that is missed in the texting process. Most of the alerts here could be avoided with an actual phone call. I'm not only listening for WHAT you say but the inflection of your voice, background noise and intuition/gut instinct. I'm guessing I turn away 20% of clients based on the initial phone interview. Honestly I've encountered very few problems following the above process.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I personally can't stand text messages most of the time.

Number one, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and text, and do it over and over. When you get a high volume of text messages it can get really frustrating because it seems like I just can't get anything done that I'm trying to do... It's especially frustrating when a guy wants to see you short notice and I'm trying to rush to get ready and he keeps texting over and over and I can't get ready...

It takes forever to say what would take 5 min on the phone... People seem to think we have nothing better to do than sit around and text all day.

Or what about when you're driving and you politely say you can't text to call you and they keep on texting over and over. It's like they have a death wish for me or something...

Plus, sometimes I miss clients because I just don't hear the phone beep that I have a text... like if I'm washing dishes, running the vacuum cleaner, jamming out to some music, or just forgot the phone in the other room...

I'd really prefer if people would just call me vs. texting... just my 2 cents for what it's worth... I guess I needed to vent on this subject as well, OP.
Grace Preston's Avatar
For me, I'm good with either texting or calling. The only requirement is that if I've never met you, I've got to speak to you at some point before you are booked with me.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Is anything really ever perfect? - Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.
OMG, alaine, Kitty and Grace it is like you were looking over my shoulder last night. You have all said exactly what I have thought.

I was texted by a respected, well reviewed MILF advising me of her availability. As we proceeded to enter texting Hell the whole process devolved until we were PO'd at each other.

Her texts to me came in either incomplete or looking like Chinese, and out of order. We had a terrible time communicating.

I am convinced none of this was our fault, it was due to the network or phone issues or some other technical issues out of our control.

I too would have preferred a phone conversation. One of the sexiest things about a woman is her voice. That can set the tone for the fun that is to follow.

Follow me on this:
People wanted to communicate long distance quickly so the Telegraph was invented. A person tapped on a key to transmit a message electronically.
Then someone said "Hey, I wonder it we can talk on this thing?" and the telephone was invented.
Then some geek said "Wouldn't it be cool if we could use our phones to tap out messages?"
Texting was invented and we now tap out messages on a hand held version of the telegraph.
140+ years of progress reversed by Steve Jobs.
I typically cannot "talk as Angie" on the phone wherever I'm at. Unless like now, I'm available to take a call, since no one is around, and I do have pen and paper to write down the same things I'd ask for to book any appointment.

Even if I'm not available to see them when they are asking, and all I might know is their phone number, or in some rude cases, a very bad opening text, (like dick pics, or "Hey sexy, wanna hang out?" I'll still try to put them on the right path.

Guys, typically we need to know the following:
1. When you would like to see us
2. How long you want to see us for
3. What your name &/or handle is
4. What references you would like us to use for screening.
(I'm always pleasantly surprised when the guy offers the ladies link or phone number-which I still google to make sure it's posted as listed with her)
5. This one may vary by provider, but some may need to know what you are looking for during your session.
Example: If a guy wants Greek. Or if they are booking a hhr, do they want bj or FS? It sounds like you're taking a survey of sorts if you have to ask them during the session what they are wanting to do.
(Another reason I like P411 with guys who have completed their profiles and even written something about themselves.