A Texas grand jury has indicted Williamson County Sheriff Robert Chody on an evidence tampering charge in the destruction of reality TV show footage that showed deputies chasing and using force on a Black man who died last year.

matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ambler, a 40-year-old former postal employee, died after Deputies J.J. Johnson and Zach Camden chased him for 22 minutes in a pursuit that started because Ambler did not dim his headlights.

During the chase, Ambler crashed his car multiple times before it was disabled in a North Austin neighborhood. Deputies used Tasers on Ambler four times as he gasped that he had a heart condition and could not breathe. He died minutes later.

the guy refuses to pull over for a traffic stop and goes on a 22 minute car chase endangering others and he's the victim?

if yous say so
MoleHole supports lawlesness...just like bittens vp pick..."he's proud of them".
Now get back to your defund the police riots MoleHole!!
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 03:52 PM
And when OBLM and Antifa brownshirts come for mole's burrow
no One will care!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee stop and take ticket don't fight the law
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Gee stop and take ticket don't fight the law Originally Posted by rexdutchman

I would encourge potential offenders and of course, BLM-ers and Antifa-gs to view this simple to understand PSA from Social Engineer, Chris Rock:

4 min
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Positively luscious watching a bunch of Trump loyalists lecture black men on not getting killed by the police.

You guys are smart!

If I were a person of color, you’d be my first call if I found myself in a pinch.

  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 07:48 AM
Chris rock took a tremendous amount of grief from the OBLm community that believes police are to be killed on sight.

no wonder young black men refuse to respect and obey police orders - and get themselves shot for trying to 'hood' their way out of tickets with firearms.

DPST propaganda - just destabilizing the representative democracy - on the backs of 'expendables ' to the white, racist, marxist DPST leadership
when will black folks wake up to the FACT that they are being used as 'fodder' for the DPST party. ????
Never - if the DPST party and their LSM and OBLM arms are able to 'keep them on the Plantation"!

BTW - thanks for the usual nonsense - Yr /multiple handles!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...BTW - thanks for the usual nonsense - Yr /multiple handles! Originally Posted by oeb11

Wait! Wut?!? You expected something different from it.
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 08:41 AM
WYID - unfortunately - No
sad about the indoctrination of the DPST faithful.

Totally deluded in their religious -type beliefs in their nomenklatura DPST leaders. and the lies and mis-information the DPST LSM spouts daily!

And they have the hypocrisy to criticize Barret for her Catholic beliefs - which is illegal under Federal law - but the DPST's do it anyway. They feel themselves above the laws they create.