Serious Question here

Would it be better for a man to decide he is a lesbian before or after a sex change operation?
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I decided at a young age that I am lesbian and prefer girls; they don't all prefer me, but that's just life. Not all pin cushions want to be pinned.
I would say after... A lesbian is defined as a homosexual woman, after all. Therefore, if you identify as a woman who is sexually/romantically attracted to other women, you would be, by definition, a lesbian.
I would say after... A lesbian is defined as a homosexual woman, after all. Therefore, if you identify as a woman who is sexually/romantically attracted to other women, you would be, by definition, a lesbian. Originally Posted by JdeHog
But would he be getting a sex change operation because he thought of himself as a woman trapped in a man's body. If he is a woman trapped in a man's body would he be attracted to men prior to his operation?
But would he be getting a sex change operation because he thought of himself as a woman trapped in a man's body. If he is a woman trapped in a man's body would he be attracted to men prior to his operation? Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Fair point, I guess I didn't read that first post thoroughly. Regardless of the parts in a person's pants, I would still maintain that a woman being attracted to other women makes her a lesbian, and that it doesn't really matter if said person is pre- or post-op.
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IS SHE HOT? Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
She MUST be if a guy is contemplating cutting off an appendage just to please her!