Time to Modify "Nationality" Header in Review?

The review template includes a free text field with the word "Nationality" as the header for the data element.

I don't think we want to know the providers Nationality. I think there are some who may want to know the provider's racial or ethnic heritage. My suspicion is that whoever created the template simply used the wrong word and ever since, a thousand reviews have struggled with how to handle that initial error.

You could keep the response as a free text answer; but, making it a discrete data field may be help future hobbyists.

For examples:

Mixed: This is where the free text field would go

Think of it NOT in politically correct terms like a standard census bureau form but as a way for people with a fondness for a type to later be able to perform a search on that data.
chipper's Avatar
Don't forget WASP!

Who is Urban?
ANONONE's Avatar

I have just been putting USA.
Don't forget WASP!

Who is Urban? Originally Posted by chipper
He coaches at the University of Florida.

I've always wanted to get into his pants...well, right after getting into Tim Tebow's first.
atlcomedy's Avatar
don't yous thinks if yous gots accurate pics of her yous can figure outz if she is yer type?

...then again some fellas may have a thing for Nationals of say Luxembourg? Maybe it is helpful
GneissGuy's Avatar
It means "race" and we all know it. We should just say it.

If the lady is, for instance, African American, do we really want someone who hates AA women to be surprised when he shows up at her incall?
Ethnicity is a better term.

It seems to me that it will be changed in the coming days based on a PM I received.

The field will apparently remain free text which provides 90% of the functionality as well.
One of the things I respect about this board is that the owners and moderators are listening.

Thank you for tweeking the review field to read "Ethnic Background"