Watch those stilettoes!

Check this out, I will be more careful in the future!
OMG lol that's horrible!
trekker's Avatar
Hey, lap dances actually can produce some injuries. Back when the Gold Club had the pedestals for "table dances" I leaned back in my chair enough that my "package"(still in my pants) rested on top of the pedestal. The dancer stepped right on my penis with her heel. A few years later, another girl bloodied my nose with the back of her head during a lap dance (pedestals out of the picture now). She was dangling her long hair in my lap, dragging it back and forth, side to side, I bent my head down to look and she "popped" her head back to make her hair flip, and wham! Cranio-nasal impact.
I B Hankering's Avatar
All of my accidents usually only involved embarrassing stains.