Now that the technical platform is stable and not crashing every 30 days sending people to other sites...COED conversation is doing quite well. How can we / you keep it that way going forward?
I would say by not engaging in what I call Machiavellian Complaint Strategies
These are like pot shot strategies...typically categorized as unethical behavior and conceptualized as a person's propensity to distrust others with whom they disagree...then in turn engaging in Amoral manipulation... seeking control over others while seeking status for one self.
In other words constantly complaining to Mods about behavior you deplore...fooling the mods into believing in you because of 1.) Your age 2.) Your review history or 3.) your camaraderie with others on the site... and then turning right around and flagrantly participating in the same name calling and deplorable behavior you've been banging the RTM button over.
It's wrong to manipulate the mods that way...making them believe you're above certain behaviors, encouraging them to ban others and then resuming that same behavior. There are plenty recent examples of this behavior that I see and that others have pointed out to me. If yall stop that behavior COED will continue to flourish as a good topic/ conversation board. If anyone else has positive suggestions let's hear them.
Where's that wink emoji. ;-)