Unsolicited texting?

What’s with providers texting out if the blue? Had it happen a couple times now. Are all the Asian providers doing this? Happen to anyone else?
Business , they want your dough
I told the Asian(s) to "please lose my number"...not cool if you have a SO.
The Asian roulette folks do it all the time. I first did the roulette thing several years ago and still get texts out of the blue from them. I don’t have a SO, so no biggie for me, so I just ignore and delete. But, I can certainly see how it can be a problem.

I get very few from providers, but the sugar babies can drive you crazy with unsolicited texts sometimes.
They do and you should be sure to have a number that isn't your main number. Get a GV number and sign out of it when you aren't using it.
reaper302's Avatar
Yes, Once they have your number they'll text endlessly. I went to an AMP on LI several years ago. They've been texting my burner daily ever since. I block the number. I hate to tempt fate but I think I may have blocked all their numbers finally as I haven't gotten a text in a few weeks.
I use Text Free- sometimes annoying adds, and audio is 90s quality, but besides that it gets the job done.
I use Text Free for initial contact, and if I want to give them a "permanent" number that they can save, I have Google Voice. Once I start getting annoying texts on Text Free I change the number. I've had the Google Voice number for years and I haven't had any issues with it.