
Bumpy_Deek's Avatar
I have been away from the board a while but know I need some advice. I got back into the hobbyworld again a few days ago, but wondered if I handled this the right way.

basically I got to the hotel and all was good. we talked, I sat the donation on table and sat down on the couch. Long story short, she started this stripper routine (lame btw) and got to her panties (pink one). she started to take em down and I noticed what appeared to be "skid marks" actually it looked like big daddy don garlits had just raced. I guess she saw my eyes get big and such cause she then quickly took them off and and tossed em aside, must have thought she turned me on.

I stopped the session then cause I didn't want that poof ass smell when I bend her over. I said hey why don't you grab a shower it's been a long day. She said why ? " I don't like hotel showers". So I took out my baby wipes I carry with me and hand her one as I "clean" my area to lead. She says, what do I need that for, then she got all pissed saying you think I am not clean, sounding loud and ghetto all of a sudden. So I point to the panties and she sees the bacon strips. THEN SHE STARTS TO CRY and apologize and mumble something. I move in for a HUG trying to say its ok, she then goes to the shower. The water runs for a while but I don't hear anyone enter the shower 10 min later, flush. Then finally I hear the shower curtain pull back. At this point I stood up and left.

I did pick up the donation on the way out, well except for $20 for gas and felt I was leaving too much. She texted with a sad face 15 min later saying did you leave ? I responded.... yeah I have a meeting to attend, maybe another day.

Should I try to recontact this girl or not ? She was cute and young but I expect better service from a 3 bill provider.
Raptorcg's Avatar
Dude that sucks....I don't think I would be able to get that image out of my head personally, and how awkward would that second meet be.

For $3 bills an hour there are plenty of sharks in the sea...I would say move on
Jennatx's Avatar
poor girl must of been so embarrassed I think you should of just left at least half of the donation, For her time.Money is money but if you do decided to see her again maybe the next time the session will be way better.. Bring her a gift maybe flowers or a bottle of wine, Heck even a gift card. Us ladies love men who are sweet
Or just move on plenty of lovely ladies in Houston area.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-08-2013, 12:56 AM
Nasty man. I wouldn't go back. For three bills I can find a woman with a clean ass.
Nasty man. I wouldn't go back. For three bills I can find a woman with a clean ass. Originally Posted by trey
Poor her I know she was hella embarrassed. I think u should just move on to another lady. If u decide to see her again image how awkward it will be. And like Trey said for $$$ I'm sure u can find a chick that knows how to clean her ass!
yardbird74's Avatar
Wow! Don't know how I would've handled that situation. I think you did the right thing. IMHO I wouldn't see her again - the awkwardness would be too much for me. If you do though, I'd follow Jennatx's advice. Bring flowers, something sweet.

Welcome back!
tbone77494's Avatar
You were nicer than me. I would have just said "oh hell no" picked up the cash and left. OK, maybe I would have downgraded to bng. Seriously the rule goes both ways, if either party suggests a shower that is a nice way of saying "you need one."
If her asshole is leaving skidmarks, WTF do you think her stench trench will be like? Everyone should clean their ass, provider or not, but if she can't handle this simple task - she will not take care of her cooch either

Do not see this chick.

My $0.02
I think the best way to handle this situation is to suggest a shower, then get in there and help clean her until you're satisfied. Showers are not only utilitarian, but also good, clean fun.

I think you could have handled things better, OP. It sounds like you really embarrassed this girl, hurt her feelings, and put her out financially. Should you have gone through with it if you were not attracted to her? No, but by sneaking off like a thief in the night with the donation, you took the coward's way out. Next time, be a grown up about it - that doesn't mean be a dickhead, just say specifically, "I don't think this is going to work because ______. Thank you for making the trip out here, here's a little something to cover your gas / cancellation."
oilfieldscum's Avatar
The OP sure likes to start shitty threads......
You did fine. She's the one who showed up with shit in her pants. You don't owe her anything.
boardman's Avatar
I have been away from the board a while but know I need some advice. I got back into the hobbyworld again a few days ago, but wondered if I handled this the right way.

basically I got to the hotel and all was good. we talked, I sat the donation on table and sat down on the couch. Long story short, she started this stripper routine (lame btw) and got to her panties (pink one). she started to take em down and I noticed what appeared to be "skid marks" actually it looked like big daddy don garlits had just raced. I guess she saw my eyes get big and such cause she then quickly took them off and and tossed em aside, must have thought she turned me on.

I stopped the session then cause I didn't want that poof ass smell when I bend her over. I said hey why don't you grab a shower it's been a long day. She said why ? " I don't like hotel showers". So I took out my baby wipes I carry with me and hand her one as I "clean" my area to lead. She says, what do I need that for, then she got all pissed saying you think I am not clean, sounding loud and ghetto all of a sudden. So I point to the panties and she sees the bacon strips. THEN SHE STARTS TO CRY and apologize and mumble something. I move in for a HUG trying to say its ok, she then goes to the shower. The water runs for a while but I don't hear anyone enter the shower 10 min later, flush. Then finally I hear the shower curtain pull back. At this point I stood up and left.

I did pick up the donation on the way out, well except for $20 for gas and felt I was leaving too much. She texted with a sad face 15 min later saying did you leave ? I responded.... yeah I have a meeting to attend, maybe another day.

Should I try to recontact this girl or not ? She was cute and young but I expect better service from a 3 bill provider. Originally Posted by Bumpy_Deek
Yes, absolutely give her another chance! There's nothing better than reinforcing bad behavior.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
LMAO!!! WIN!!!!
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 05-08-2013, 08:13 AM
The OP sure likes to start shitty threads...... Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I don't know but there is a strong hint the OP is full of shit. Post on 10-12-2011