When "I'm Not Voting" and the Libertarian Candidate are included ....

Texas Playboy's Avatar
... all the polls I have seen are simply Hillary vs. Trump.

But those aren't the choices we will have in all 50 states in November -- because you can also vote for the Libertarian candidate, or you can stay home and not vote.

So let's conduct a poll that mirrors your true options on Election Day. Your vote is confidential unless you choose to elaborate in a thread comment.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I do think you should have added "An as of yet unnamed left wing third party candidate" and "An as of yet unnamed right wing third party candidate". Of course with the establishment GOP up in arms maybe that should be "An as of yet unnamed moderate third party candidate".
Texas Playboy's Avatar
The problem with your theory is that those unnamed third party candidates are not on 50 ballots already. Getting on those ballots is a massive undertaking. The Libertarian Party is clearly on track to be on the ballot in all 50 states. Something the Green Party, the Constitution Party, etc. cannot say.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have as of yet decide who I will vote for or how many times I will cast a ballot..........
Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
Vote early, vote often, as they say.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The problem with your theory is that those unnamed third party candidates are not on 50 ballots already. Getting on those ballots is a massive undertaking. The Libertarian Party is clearly on track to be on the ballot in all 50 states. Something the Green Party, the Constitution Party, etc. cannot say. Originally Posted by Texas Playboy
in times past, nearly impossible. not today. Citizens United allows unlimited funds in the game. they can spend whatever it takes to get either a independent conservative candidate on the ballot or a liberal candidate.

if the conservative faction of the Republican party follows thorough with this, they better pick wisely. my bet is Kasich. either way they fracture the Republican party by doing so. the Republican base has spoken and it's Trump they want nominated.

go against that at your own risk.

Sanders has the support to run as an independent and he might. Especially if that arrogant bitch won't step aside as even many liberal pundits say she should.

remember early in the debates when only Trump wouldn't initially agree to back the eventual nominee? then he did agree. now, those same establishment jackasses that Trump destroyed in the primaries are balking at backing him.

there is essentially no way that Trump can be denied the nomination now. well, not without some severe dirty tricks. He's running unopposed now. What are the Republicans in the remaining states going to do? stay home en mass? not likely.

he was crushing Cruz in Cali anyway, now he goes over the top easily. he'll have his 1,237 and then some. How do they rig the Convention against him now?

no brokered convention assup. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp0Z7otCk7Q Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Here is what is coming whiffy

I will vote for the Republicsn Nominee.

I am one of those that actually listened in Civics Class when we were taught how we elect our President. Simply put, the Electorial system dictates that which ever candidate receives the most votes in a State gets all of that State's Electorial Votes.

No 3d Party on today's political reality can hope to get the most votes in any State. All they can do is cost another Candidate votes.

So be naive. Cast your vote for some ideologue who has neither the courage or support to win in the real political arena.

If we ever Amend the Constitution so that Presidents are elected by popular vote, then perhaps a 3d Party can be viable. But until then, your vote is wasted.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When there is no substantive difference between the two major party candidates, Jackie, your vote doesn't count. The only way to make your vote count is by voting against the Establishment. Make your vote count. Vote Third Party!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When there is no substantive difference between the two major party candidates, Jackie, your vote doesn't count. The only way to make your vote count is by voting against the Establishment. Make your vote count. Vote Third Party! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
doesn't it count? your choice is clear. 4 more years of Obama or Freedom!
who ya gonna vote for now COG?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Trump is lining up the Establishment to staff his administration. Chris Christie is heading up his team. Donald will be more fun to watch, but nothing will change very much. And if it does change, it won't be for the better.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump is lining up the Establishment to staff his administration. Chris Christie is heading up his team. Donald will be more fun to watch, but nothing will change very much. And if it does change, it won't be for the better. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
so says the economics professor. get on the Trump Train. or else

Don Cornelius says so.

So .. where did you teach economics, Professor? ahahaha

the university of perversity?


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not getting on the Trump Train. Where does he stand on the Patriot Act? The NDAA? Auditing the FED? The Income Tax? The 10th Amendment? NSA Spying on Americans? The U.N.? The TPP?

Nothing will change. You'll just feel better about it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The Republican party may be well on it's way to becoming the third party.