trump watches "Finding Dory" as chaos is rampant at international airports.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
[COLOR="Blue"How long will trump last? Not 4 years. Spicer? Less than 2 years. Steve Bannon? Will need a presidential pardon when trump leaves office in early 2021. 2 weeks in and his major accomplishment is identifing republicans we can work with in the future.H[/COLOR]
I B Hankering's Avatar
How long will trump last? Not 4 years. Spicer? Less than 2 years. Steve Bannon? Will need a presidential pardon when trump leaves office in early 2021. 2 weeks in and his major accomplishment is identifing republicans we can work with in the future.H Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Interesting how you dim-retards can mobilize thousands of protesters to CAUSE THE CHAOS at airports, masterdickmuncher, but couldn't find your asses with both hands and a flashlight to mobilize a rescue team to deploy to Benghazi in time to save the life of an American ambassador, you miserable POS.

^^^^ That's some funny shit right there.

don't care who you are
LexusLover's Avatar
And ... Obaminable encouraging them to protest the President's action!


Trump said:
He was running for President. He did.
He was going to win the nomination. He did.
He was going to win the election in the Fall. He did.
He was going to temporarily stop select people coming in. He did.

Obaminable said what?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I guess the dimtards forget about Obama placing a hold on travel from certain nations.
You know, it is ok when the Dimtards do it.

Good thing Soros is still benefiting the economy by hiring protesters.
LexusLover's Avatar
As I posted elsewhere ..

I think they should be encouraged to travel to Syria and protest.

After all under Trump's EO travelers there are being rejected prevented from boarding a plane to the U.S. and foreigners are being denied documents with which to travel to the U.S.

Having an all expense paid trip to ISIS land would be "hot" for them!
bambino's Avatar
[COLOR="Blue"How long will trump last? Not 4 years. Spicer? Less than 2 years. Steve Bannon? Will need a presidential pardon when trump leaves office in early 2021. 2 weeks in and his major accomplishment is identifing republicans we can work with in the future.H[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It is losers like you Assmuncher that cause chaos and inconvenience by protesting at the drop of a hat. You and your ilk are the nuciance to other people trying to go about their lives Assmuncher.Crawl back to your momma's basement and wait for the next call for action you stupid cocksucker.
Interesting how you dim-retards can mobilize thousands of protesters to CAUSE THE CHAOS at airports, masterdickmuncher, but couldn't find your asses with both hands and a flashlight to mobilize a rescue team to deploy to Benghazi in time to save the life of an American ambassador, you miserable POS.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ain't that the truth.

If it weren't for Soros paid Demonstrators, nobody would even notice.

And the Main Stream Media is all giddy, while Prsident Trump goes about the business of Making America Great Again.
LexusLover's Avatar
And the Main Stream Media is all giddy, while Prsident Trump goes about the business of Making America Great Again. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The temporary ban is still in effect for the seven named countries.
I'm betting Elizabeth Warren's secretly hoping these absurd protests die down (and soon, too). Dropping everything to rush out to the airport in the middle of dinnertime to screech with a bunch of libtards can't be what she signed up for....she ain't no spring chicken, ya know...
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm betting Elizabeth Warren's secretly hoping these absurd protests die down (and soon, too). Dropping everything to rush out to the airport in the middle of dinnertime to screech with a bunch of libtards can't be what she signed up for....she ain't no spring chicken, ya know... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
and it shows!
The temporary ban is still in effect for the seven named countries. Originally Posted by LexusLover
And one less odummer appointee is milking a pay check at the DOJ !
bambino's Avatar
And one less odummer appointee is milking a pay check at the DOJ ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Draining the swamp, one lizard at a time.
.....2 weeks in and his major...... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

One more thing, for the record.....

President Trump will get more accomplished over the next 72 hours than that lazy, do-nothing, say-even-less ex-potus pos ever dreamed of doing. Considering he doesn't let even one day go to waste, once we get to Friday then you can officially say it's been Two Weeks.

Your party and it's band of misfits are scrambling, jack....and the best they can come up with is a bunch o' pitiful protests that are recklessly inconveniencing families and real working people who are attempting to maintain their own travel schedules.

REAL Americans are laughing at you and your so-called leadership. Last year, y'all backed a loser all the way up to Election Day....and today, y'all look as clueless and incompetent as the Cleveland Browns have been for decades.
LexusLover's Avatar
Last year, y'all backed a loser all the way up to Election Day....and today, y'all look as clueless and incompetent as the Cleveland Browns have been for decades. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
... with Schumer blubbering like a baby!