CNN exposes Adam Shits lies about today bogus testimony...keep the hits coming guys!!

This shit show is in a spiral dive and they have Adam shit showing he is the incompetent lying idiot everyone knows he is...they don't know when to stop digging. Hopefully when the hole is big enough to bury the whole bunch of them!! This shit show is getting more and more exposed EVERYDAY!! Good riddance to bad rubbish.

The Jan. 6 Committee put on gossip–that the Secret Service is about to blow apart.

But it gets better. Not only that but Tony Ornato, whom Hutchinson claimed told this story, says he never said it and it never happened, according to CNN’s Gabby Orr.

So, it would seem that that story didn’t even make it a day without imploding — must be a new record for fake, anti-Trump stories.

This should do in any credibility that the Jan. 6 Committee had left, if any. How can you not do the simplest thing and check with the agents and the other people before you throw these stories out there before the world? The answer is they didn’t care–they just wanted to skewer Trump and the truth didn’t matter, yet again. Why does anyone believe these liars anymore after all the lying they have done, not only over this but over Russia collusion and so many other things.

But even as the lie was falling apart, that didn’t stop Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) from trying to push the claim on CNN on Tuesday, with what little time he has left to push it before everyone figures out that it’s nonsense.

Erin Burnett asked him if he was able to corroborate Hutchinson’s claim with any of the agents, like Tony Ornato or Bobby Engel — the two agents Hutchinson named.

So, how did Schiff respond?

“I can’t comment on other testimony before the Committee,” Schiff claimed. Why not? You’re doing plenty of commenting on Hutchinson’s testimony. The reason he can’t is that he knows he doesn’t have testimony from the agents that backs this whole ridiculous story up. Yet even now, on CNN, as the story was falling apart, Schiff still was trying to work it and deceive the public, and tap dance on the answer. It was disgraceful.

Burnett asked Schiff if he had any concerns that the story wasn’t true, and he said he believed Hutchinson.

I have a question for Schiff, now that Hutchinson’s story is crashing and burning: how did the Committee find out about her story and/or who was involved in “finding out” this story? Was she prepped in any way?

Schiff needs to be put on under oath, asked about, and investigated, for his many lies, when the Republicans take back power.

But the bottom line here? The Jan. 6 Committee just collapsed, and no one is going to believe anything they have to say now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
So worried about a little committee.

Now you have BDS and TDS and committee fear
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So worried about a little committee.

Now you have BDS and TDS and committee fear Originally Posted by VitaMan

so worried by TDS you start dozens of TDS threads

You have been hanging your hat on this shit show since the beginning...we're just exposing it for what it is, and you can't handle it!! No the left "triggered" this sham of an investigation...please get your facts straight.
VitaMan's Avatar
You are completely wrong....again. I haven't discussed the committee hearings.

You are so wound up about them it approaches your Biden madness.
VitaMan's Avatar
TWK is on ignore. His posts will not be read.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TWK is on ignore. His posts will not be read. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
TWK is on ignore. His posts will not be read.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
High pitched, hysterical whining from the Riot Squad.

Not unlike their unhinged savior.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TWK is on ignore. His posts will not be read. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so

High pitched, hysterical whining from the Riot Squad.

Not unlike their unhinged savior.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Adam Schiff will get Trump for ya, right???

To YR now facts are whining...anything YR disagrees with is "whining".
I think he's going to be doing a lot of hand wringing before this whole shit show implodes. Still waiting on the earth shattering testimony YR was so sure they had today. I guess it's like ALL his other predictions...another big fucking nothing burger!! He doesn't have 56k+ post for nothing. YR you struck out to many times now go sit on the bench...
You are completely wrong....again. I haven't discussed the committee hearings.

You are so wound up about them it approaches your Biden madness. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... YOU stick yer nose in every thread.
Stay out of them... WHY are YOU commenting here?

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... YOU stick yer nose in every thread.
Stay out of them... WHY are YOU commenting here?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I don't know? Maybe to turn a cold shower on you surely-rabid lads. Cool it off some before your delusion burns you to deff.

if you say so

Adam Schiff will get Trump for ya, right???

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Poor Adam can't get Trump. They even dedicated a Cartoon after this dummy, lol.