Writing Style

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, I have a question that is burning my heart for the ladies.

Does the writing style of a customer influence your decision to see him or even the need to screen him?

In other words, do you think you are wise enough and intuitive enough to discern a man's character strictly through his writing style and content alone?

The question is not as theoretical as it sounds and has very relevant implications in the hobby as well as just about anywhere society congregates. So think hard before you respond, but don't over-think the question and come up with a false and political answer.

. . . I would say that for any real benefit from this knowledge, we must be looking for the unvarnished Truth here, not some pretty lies.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-24-2013, 11:49 PM
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, pls excuse Dr. Doofus who had to stick his dirty spoon into my thread even though it is clearly addressed to the ladies.

He is on my ignore list so I can't read the usual sarcastic drivel he wrote, but he is a perfect example of odious writing style.

He fancies himself some sort of officious clerk on the board who alone decides what is and what is not appropriate to say or not humorous if he can't understand the joke which, incidentally he usually can't, but let's not belabor the obvious.

. . . So let's cast that insectile distraction aside and turn to the ladies to whom the question was originally addressed and not to the lowest ranking mod on the western hemisphere, and ask the question again.

. . . Does the writing style of a potential customer influence your decision to see him or or not or even to screen him or not?

In other words, do you think you can read a man by his writing style alone that you don't need to screen him or would you screen anyone the same way, maybe even William Shakespeare himself if he wrote you a sonnet to schedule a convenient time of your most intimate services?

. . . Speak with total honestly, but justify your response. There is no right or wrong answer, but just something that I surmised based on my own intuition in a moment of clarity, but would like to calibrate more closely.

. . .

pyramider's Avatar
Your writing style is exposing your true side to the ladies.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Damn, wombat!

You certainly have a keen grasp of the obvious.

. . . Are you sure you sure you don't want to work some nasty taint into the convo?

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-25-2013, 06:24 AM
Your writing style is exposing your true side to the ladies. Originally Posted by pyramider
You have that tainted style about ya.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-25-2013, 07:58 AM
Well, pls excuse Dr. Doofus who had to stick his dirty spoon into my thread even though it is clearly addressed to the ladies.

He is on my ignore list so I can't read the usual sarcastic drivel he wrote, but he is a perfect example of odious writing style.

He fancies himself some sort of officious clerk on the board who alone decides what is and what is not appropriate to say or not humorous if he can't understand the joke which, incidentally he usually can't, but let's not belabor the obvious.

. . . So let's cast that insectile distraction aside and turn to the ladies to whom the question was originally addressed and not to the lowest ranking mod on the western hemisphere, and ask the question again.

. . . Does the writing style of a potential customer influence your decision to see him or or not or even to screen him or not?

In other words, do you think you can read a man by his writing style alone that you don't need to screen him or would you screen anyone the same way, maybe even William Shakespeare himself if he wrote you a sonnet to schedule a convenient time of your most intimate services?

. . . Speak with total honestly, but justify your response. There is no right or wrong answer, but just something that I surmised based on my own intuition in a moment of clarity, but would like to calibrate more closely.

. . .

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I was going to wait until later to reply because I have some things to do, but I can't help myself. Your pompousness is amazing.

--You accuse OTHERS of wanting to be the sole arbiter of what is right/wrong? Oh my, Mr Kettle.

--Directed only to the ladies? If you do not want guys to answer, place the post on the ladies board or PM them. I would suspect the guys are half of most said correspondences.

The quick answer to your question: of course some ladies are influenced by how a gentleman writes. Some, sadly, try to screen via a man's writing sample--and that is quite dangerous.

More to follow when I have time.

PS: Nice of you to imply that if you don't remind people to be honest, they won't be.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, the fact of the matter is that you can discern quite a bit about a person's character by his writing style.

You for example, come across as a crotchety old fool who makes up in half-assed and discounted opinions what he lacks in facts and that is a truck load.

Up to this point I have not addressed you once, but yet you have kept throwing unprovoked insults at me with every one of your posts. Why is that? Is that the only way you know how to communicate? By attacking whoever starts a conversation to show the world what you know or just think you do?

I would say that you are an old and bitter old gizzard who no longer has any gainful employment and is probably too tired if he did and has no joy in his life and now stale arguments are about all that he has left to toss around like spitballs.

You are a pitiful husk of man who no longer has any use, but thinks he can lift himself up by putting people down. How is that working for you?

Now if we can get back on track, does anyone have any valid contribution on the subject matter? Of course, the gentlemen can chime in if their remarks are relevant, but the question was addressed to the ladies.

. . .Men can learn a lot just listening to the ladies instead of just pissing in the well!

I was going to wait until later to reply because I have some things to do, but I can't help myself. Your pompousness is amazing.

--You accuse OTHERS of wanting to be the sole arbiter of what is right/wrong? Oh my, Mr Kettle.

--Directed only to the ladies? If you do not want guys to answer, place the post on the ladies board or PM them. I would suspect the guys are half of most said correspondences.

The quick answer to your question: of course some ladies are influenced by how a gentleman writes. Some, sadly, try to screen via a man's writing sample--and that is quite dangerous.

More to follow when I have time.

PS: Nice of you to imply that if you don't remind people to be honest, they won't be. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-25-2013, 09:11 AM
No, I am afraid your Holmesian powers of deduction missed the mark on me--about 20% right and 80% wrong.

And I have rarely attacked YOU (though occasionally), but I have taken some serious exception to some of the things you say. Most of your posts I actually consider relatively harmless and often ignore. But two of them recently I consider very dangerous and so I have replied to hopefully keep people from making mistakes by following your advice where it is not appropriate.

You know how I feel about your comments on suicide and mental issues from the other thread.

Now you propose that a lady should be able to screen out the dangerous wackos based upon how they write. Sir, some new ladies who are not wise to the world might take that advice as sound, since you do have a lot of posts, AND THAT CAN GET THEM KILLED!!!! Personally, I do not like that and think it is irresponsible of you.

Can a lady get a sense of whether she would enjoy the company of a guy based upon how he writes? Yes, it is probably good for that. Can she flag some guys by their one-line "Hey babe, I'm really good in bed. You willing to see me for half your normal rate?"? Sure. But to argue that a man is safe because he writes well and says he is--that is dangerous and I feel obliged to speak out against such a comment.

Does that answer your question?

I'll address your deductive errors about me at a later time.
I will frequently screen based on writing style, but only as a disqualification. "Wazzup," "what r u doin" and things like that I find... distasteful.

And on the separate note, I will look through people's posts here as part of my process. It can be a positive--I was more excited to meet a straight-shooting fellow who shares my opinions on guns. But it could also a negative, should I be contacted by someone whose role in life appears to be to put others down, or be the perpetual victim. (Someone who's unsatisfied with everything, I can't help; someone who wants to be a victim is going to find me as a victimizer.)

Fortunately, I haven't run into any of the latter two examples yet, but it's something I'm trying to keep an eye out for. Sometimes it's less an issue of your safety and more an issue of not borrowing trouble.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-25-2013, 09:38 AM
I will frequently screen based on writing style, but only as a disqualification. "Wazzup," "what r u doin" and things like that I find... distasteful.

And on the separate note, I will look through people's posts here as part of my process. It can be a positive--I was more excited to meet a straight-shooting fellow who shares my opinions on guns. But it could also a negative, should I be contacted by someone whose role in life appears to be to put others down, or be the perpetual victim. (Someone who's unsatisfied with everything, I can't help; someone who wants to be a victim is going to find me as a victimizer.)

Fortunately, I haven't run into any of the latter two examples yet, but it's something I'm trying to keep an eye out for. Sometimes it's less an issue of your safety and more an issue of not borrowing trouble. Originally Posted by Lucyny

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-25-2013, 09:54 AM
Amazing, simply amazing. Fg stikes again, calling someone an old geezer, when in fact he IS one himself. The most pompous, arrogant fool on this board, just amazing. Just read the threads Mokoa posted up, fg's words, fg's thought processes, judge for yourself. And that is just a SMALL SAMPLING..!!!!!
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
What's with the Blue and Red? That would frighten me.

(I wonder if the red is a subconscious insistence on being correct, being the corrector, the one who doles out the corrections on what has been written/said? Perhaps the OP will share some insight on the topic?)
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I love it when a client writes to me in a professional manner starting the note addressed to me and ending the note with a signature of some sort.
I really dislike it when a gent just says "hey whats up u available" or "where u at"
I usually don't even bother to respond to these guys.
So to answer your question, yes it does influence my decision as far as the initial contact.
After I get to know a client things can change in communication.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I will not see someone just because they have outstanding writing skills no matter how twitterpated (ookkkkk) it might make me feel. However, I have chose not to see someone due to their inability to form a sentence, over usage of slang, poor spelling and lack of class in general.