Licking Eyeballs

Fast Gunn's Avatar

So you're wondering what is going on in Japan these days with those crazy kids?

Well, it looks like they are licking each others eyeballs, but having an epidemic of unintended consequences.

. . . Have you ever felt that strange urge to lick someone's eyeballs? Personally, I just don't see the attraction!
speeedracer's Avatar
a friend of mine has this fetish. it took her husband almost 5 years to finally let her do it. i've seen her do it a couple of times. it's not really sexual or anything. it's just weird.
Eyeballs, that's pretty tame, coming from Japan. No can do, my contacts would fall out.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, it's kind of sick.

It is an obscure type and easy to overlook and appears innocuous, but it is deadly nonetheless.

. . . Well, maybe not deadly, but surely ruin your day kind of bad.

I have no desire to lick an eyeball, or have a tongue in my eye.

I guess I am 'vanilla'.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It must be just another crazy fad by these kids.

You just dream up something kind of stupid and maybe sexy in a kinky way and you sell the idea to the school.

. . . Pretty soon, the only kids not kissing eye-balls are the squares who do not know how to properly behave.

Fast Gunn can I lick your eyeballs please?

Thanck you.

gimme_that's Avatar
I like my eyelids gently licked....its a strange hotspot for me......

But the eyeball.....oh hell naw......

Id be willing to try ear sex......only so she could hear when I'd be coming.........
Reminds me of this cancer physician who I had the most unfortunate experience being with .... he asked me to take off all my makeup so he could .............................. ........bite my nose.

I was like I do not do any mike tyson fetishes .....neither do I need a nose job

Doctors creep me out. I personally like to avoid'em
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, okay.

. . . But only once and then only as a prelude to better things!

Fast Gunn can I lick your eyeballs please?

Thanck you.

~D. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Doctors generally enjoy a high social status and they are generally good people.

He was just playfully flirting with you about biting your cute little nose. In his position, I might have done the same thing and am surprised by your derisive tone to such an innocent come-on.

. . . Maybe you are setting your standards a bit too high or maybe you are just too high-strung to enjoy flirting banter even by a doctor! You need to loosen up, girl!

Reminds me of this cancer physician who I had the most unfortunate experience being with .... he asked me to take off all my makeup so he could .............................. ........bite my nose.

I was like I do not do any mike tyson fetishes .....neither do I need a nose job

Doctors creep me out. I personally like to avoid'em Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-13-2013, 11:03 PM
Doctors generally enjoy a high social status and they are generally good people.

He was just playfully flirting with you about biting your cute little nose. In his position, I might have done the same thing and am surprised by your derisive tone to such an innocent come-on.

. . . Maybe you are setting your standards a bit too high or maybe you are just too high-strung to enjoy flirting banter even by a doctor! You need to loosen up, girl!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

Just when I thought I have seen all the shit you could possibly come up with, you come out with that knuckle dragger post.

It is no wonder so many look upon you the way they do.
awl4knot's Avatar
Doctors generally enjoy a high social status and they are generally good people.

He was just playfully flirting with you about biting your cute little nose. In his position, I might have done the same thing and am surprised by your derisive tone to such an innocent come-on.

. . . Maybe you are setting your standards a bit too high or maybe you are just too high-strung to enjoy flirting banter even by a doctor! You need to loosen up, girl!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
This is so wrong. The ancient Hippocratic Oath had this admonition:

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons...

In my state physicians are prohibited from:

a. seeking sexual contact with a patient;

b. engaging in discussions of an intimate sexual nature with a patient;

c. engage in sexual harassment of patients.

Sexual harassment is defined as "… verbal or non-verbal conduct that is sexual in nature [by a physician in his roles as a provider of medical services] and is unwelcome or offensive to a reasonable person.

I suspect that most state and the AMA prohibit this type of conduct.

So a physician who "enjoys a high social status" should be mindful of the sensibilities of his patients and not be saying that he wants to bite their cute noses. We all know that this is coded language designed to intimate a desire for sex, but in a manner that allows the physician to argue that it was just a joke, harmless banter or the like. It is just wrong, creepy, disrespectful, illegal and indefensible.
fletch's Avatar
i have balls that i like to have licked, but they are no where near my eyes..........
When I was 15, I did this to my close friends/partners out of curiosity. (haven't done it since).
However one of those friends texted me and told me I was "before my time". I found it to be hilarious and twittered about it. Yes! I'm a bold experimental lady!

Then I read about all the resulting cases of pink eye.
Eww. Not a connection I'd like to think about.