
This is kind of a poll question for both client and provider, what is an appropriate amount of time to wait for a response from a provider? If no response initially, and you are going to make a second attempt, how long do you wait to try the second time?
Rooter's Avatar
Wondered about this as well. My thing is how long to wait to move on and try someone else? I've had girls answer back hours later, the middle of the night, even the next day. I try to wait about 30 mins before I try the next one. But I hate talking to one and have one from earlier answer back. We don't want to be rude or waste anyone's time.
Wondered about this as well. My thing is how long to wait to move on and try someone else? I've had girls answer back hours later, the middle of the night, even the next day. I try to wait about 30 mins before I try the next one. But I hate talking to one and have one from earlier answer back. We don't want to be rude or waste anyone's time. Originally Posted by Rooter
While I'd have to say that 30 minutes is not long enough, if you really want to see that lady, I'm sure it goes both ways. Just like many providers double book to cover a possible NCNS, there are clients who cover their ass the same way now and book more then one date and simply cancel on one at the last minute. People don't talk about it much, but you know it goes on. Thats another reason there are so many late cancels, weird excuses, I lost my phone, my friend borrowed my car, etc.... Its a vicious cycle, but its kind of a part of the hobby now as everyone involved looks out for number one...
beelzeboss's Avatar
I've been victim of double book to cover NCNS several times as the "double" and it sucks. The most recent I asked her if it was okay to head her way, and it'd take me 20 min...she said yes and gave me a general area she was in with instructions to let her know when I was getting close for an address. When I got close I asked for reply. Pull into a parking lot in the area and asked reply. Waited about 20 min and told her 5 more and I'm reply. Got a text in the middle of the night "I'm so so sorry". Yeah, fuck off. Well reviewed provider on here too.
Rooter's Avatar
While I'd have to say that 30 minutes is not long enough, if you really want to see that lady, I'm sure it goes both ways. Just like many providers double book to cover a possible NCNS, there are clients who cover their ass the same way now and book more then one date and simply cancel on one at the last minute. People don't talk about it much, but you know it goes on. Thats another reason there are so many late cancels, weird excuses, I lost my phone, my friend borrowed my car, etc.... Its a vicious cycle, but its kind of a part of the hobby now as everyone involved looks out for number one... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Well, I just dont know how long a person should wait. It's like everything in life, it's different for everyone. I mean if I wait a hour between and contact 6 lady's and non reply. That's a whole night wasted. And that exact thing has happened. It seems like on skip you have to contact 10 just to get one or two reply. Then one of those two will flake or something.
I mean some girls will say don't message till you are ready, some will book in advance. I have tried booking in advance and it has the same rate of success as cold texting girls. Most forget, are busy, or blow you off. I do always answer back, it's not that hard. If I've waited for over 30 mins and I move on and happen to get a bit, ill message back and say sorry I didn't hear back and have booked with someone else. I know these girls get tons of messages. Maybe too many to answer back, I dont know.
Theatrical person's Avatar
Depends on the situation. If I have a very limited window of time to play, I will message a couple of providers at once, and the one who responds first usuends up being the one I get with. If there is a particular person that I really want to see, I'll wait as long as it takes.
What really is frustrating is when I co.e to a providers incall location, and they say "give me 5 minutes" or 10 or whatever, and I end up waiting over 30 minutes in the parking lot, or driveway. Sitting there wasting time. If we had an appointment, and I have to wait past that time, after 30 minutes I leave.
But as far as your original question goes, the girls double book, so I have no qualms about messaging multiple providers.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I text one time and give them one hour then move on
If they can't reply they don't get my money or another chance
DallasRain's Avatar
i try try try to answer in timely natter but sometimes "life bs gets in the way"
You are awesome! Enough said.
Theatrical person's Avatar
Dallas, you aren't fast food. You are fine dining. Fine dining is always worth the wait
A lot of times I will message a lady and state I am looking for someone in the next hour or two and if they can’t make that window, then maybe we can get together next time.
It does help with preventing return calls hours later.
Not so much with getting reply’s tho.