As A Newbie

I don't really know if this is where I should be posting, however.. at least it's on the boards...
Please give your input and feed back.. I would very much appreciate it and it's all a learning experience.. thanks in advance...

Ok.. here it goes. As most of you know as a NEW Provider I've been learning a lot about the hobby. What is acceptable and what is simply tolerated. After tonight.. I have a few things to get off of my chest.
Excuse me if I offend or if you find me out of line.. again.. I'm green to the hobby::
For starters Gentlemen, ALL of my scheduling goes through VIXEN DE'VAIN. Why? Well, as a VERY new Provider I am learning only as fast as I can. Screening, Getting Verified, Writing 'verbiage' for new sites is A LOT for some one to take on~on top of seeing y'all.. so if you don't like getting in touch with Vixen, then I don't know if we should see one another-because at this point in my starting.. it is how it will be.. simple.
Next, I love coming to visit y'all at your home or office. However, the address you give me when we schedule our appointment is the address where I will be showing up.. THERE WILL BE NO CHANGES in address.. no exceptions. I maybe new, but I'm not stupid.. I DO NOT set myself up for failure or for harm..
Also, Our time together is spent EXACTLY how you want it to be spent. If YOU CHOOSE to complain the entire time we are together.. so be it! If you choose to be intimate-so be it.. Our time together goes HOW YOU WANT it to go.. .. I'm here to PLEASE YOU!!!
Understand that I am here for YOU.. For YOUR pleasure!! Please don't expect me to fulfill needs that you need guidance on.. remember. I'm new to all of this.. I can only lead so much..
When you dance, aren't the men supposed to lead???

Thought so..

I know y'all will appreciate my input.. I just hope you accept it.
Looking forward to meeting you and getting to spend some 'quality' time together....


good to know, sweetie
pmdelites's Avatar
seven, thanks for taking time to write that post.
at least for me, a woman's post helps me understand her a bit more than what i see in showcases or read in reviews. [i gain a bit of understanding about guys from what they write, too].

your first two points are extremely reasonable [screening thru vixen, going to supplied address].

but your last one had me scratching my noggin.
"Please don't expect me to fulfill needs that you need guidance on.. remember. I'm new to all of this.. I can only lead so much.. "
are you saying that if i were to show up and say something like
..."what do you like?" or
..."why dont you just take the lead and please me?" or
..."i'm having problems with xxx and could use your guidance on how best to do that?"
that those throw you in a loop?
i dont understand what it is you're saying.

if you care to elaborate, pls do. if not, fine. i'll just remember that an encounter w/ you would be about pleasure and fun and, of course, delites.
elgato111's Avatar
Seven, this business, like most businesses, takes so work and study to learn all the ins and outs involved. Starting out with help from someone who is more experienced in how everything works and is done is a great help.

I like what you say and I like the reviews I have read about you. I think if you keep your wits about you the future will take care of itself.

Good luck and keep on being safe.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You tell 'em girl! Welcome to the land of the many of us who don't have a clue at times. There are those of us who are continuously learning and/or those who refuse to believe they can learn anything from anybody else no matter the reasoning or wisdom used to try and teach them there's gotta be a better way. We are the light of heart, the surly, the flirty, the grumpy, the sexy, the funny, the dependable, the flaky, and unfortunately there are those among us who also might be considered the a**hats of the hobby.

Wishing you safety and tons of fun!
Thanks y'all for appreciating what I've said & respecting it just the same..
Delites: what I was saying is its still kinda difficult for me 32 make the first move..
All the questions .. I love.. how else would I learn about you?
dodger's Avatar
Since you asked, here are some suggestions:

Don't do outcalls until you feel you are ready. Even then, do outcalls only with well recognized hobby guys. I noticed your first two reviews are surge and funeralman. Both well known members (I forget who wrote the third). And funeralman is known to Vixen .. so no issue there. But if you are not comfortable with the outcall or the client ... take a pass. Please, be safe!

The "don't expect me to guide you" may be fair but ... when I'm with a provider, I like to know what their limits are and what they enjoy. I'll respect their limits and take note of what may make it a good session for them, always keeping in mind that I'm the client. (May not make me popular on campus .. but I book and I expect it to be all about me.) It may be far to say, "don't look at me to guide the activities of our session" but you do need to be prepared to provide clear feedback. It should be as frank and sincere as possible, given the politics of the session.

You didn't ask ... but .. (and this for every provider ) take the time to build a relationship with client before the session if at all possible. If you want someone else to handle your booking .. ok .. but stay involved. Try to get to know something about the bookee attitudes and personality. And help your client get to know something about you (you see a bit of that in PMDelite's post wrt showcase, etc). That can make everyone more comfortable and build up the anticipation in a fun way.

I can appreciate that a provider can be a bit overwhelmed with requests. When that's the case, be grateful .. other providers are still waiting. So, when you get an inquiry, demonstrate that you are grateful and spend a little effort building rapport so when the door opens, there is fulfillment of some excitement and anticipation of finally meeting this person (I know .. I'm prolly too much on the fantasy .. but that's what makes it work for me).

I take time to select a provider based on all the obvious things, but what compels me to see a lady is her personality. How I feel about the time we will spend together. I don't send a request, "can you see me at AM on date?" I provide info, including access to my P411 profile, and ask if she thinks we'll have fun. If the response is, "when do you want to see me", I'm probably not going to book (definitely if she didn't even check the profile). I like to deal with ladies who are all about me and the session ... from the very first communication.

You didn't ask about the last one ... I throw it in at no charge .. and it's worth every penny. Again .. be safe. Enjoy yourself. Thanks fore being in the hobby.

Understand that I am here for YOU.. For YOUR pleasure!! Please don't expect me to fulfill needs that you need guidance on.. remember. I'm new to all of this.. I can only lead so much.. Originally Posted by Seven4play
I like everything you said and think it's all fair except this statement.

I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly--whether it's listening to someone's problems or fulfilling a fantasy for a guy who wants to try something new--but this is actually an integral part of our job.

Sometimes a gentleman can get caught up and get off track. You are right in that you are there for them, but sometimes people's needs include someone to listen to their frustrations in life. I've always said that half my job is as a therapist. Keep in mind that these things that people need are often the things they can go to no one else for, whether it be emotional or physical. They can't complain to their friends about the emotional pain of being totally pushed away by a spouse, and they certainly can't go to a spouse or a girlfriend if they decide they'd like to try cross dressing during sex. It's one reason among many why we're paid.

As a newbie you'll eventually learn that often sex isn't actually the main reason we're called. It may seem that way and sometimes it really is just that, but other times it's actually a much more complicated situation where people need both a friend and an escape.
Seven, great to hear your learning. Remember, you end up seeing guys who have no idea either.

Some of us do, however, know what we are doing. Love to catch ya sometime.

Also, please post a couple of pics here, I'd love to see them
Swingmaster just check out mine and Surges review of Seven there are plenty of good pics there for you.

Seven you will find out that all guys are the same, but over time and with Vixen's guidence you will learn the ropes and how to screen the good from the bad. Some guys will be looking for you the lead the way as to not do something that you dont like. Just remember there are a lot of newbies out there and they will be just as nervous as you are so there as to be a little of give and take in every situation.
hey babe.
yes...the admin part of this business sucks....but will definitely save you much aggravation in the end.
Girlfriend.....screen the hell outta those guys! If for some reason, there is discomfort in the communication.........then DON'T see them!

What is more your sanity? Come on....let's get a clue!

Babe.....I'm just saying....a complete check is always in order.....and the comfort level HAS TO BE....established.

Welcome Seven,

Just relax, let it flow, and all will be well. It was a pleasure meeting you the other nite at the Happy Hour, hope we get to meet again soon...

And, I love to lead....

This is a great the responses (especially Dodger's) and Seven, you seem to want to excel at this hobby. If I were to see you (probably will) I appreciate your thread on what I can expect. Thanks, baby!
pmdelites's Avatar
Thanks y'all for appreciating what I've said & respecting it just the same..
Delites: what I was saying is its still kinda difficult for me 32 make the first move..
All the questions .. I love.. how else would I learn about you? Originally Posted by Seven4play
seven, thx for explaining what you meant.

blond lilly has some good thoughts for you.
sometimes the guy wants you to lead.
sometimes the guy wants you to follow.
sometimes the guy wants you to be side-by-side [pretty equal].

you decide what's best for you and let it be known.

i believe that the more ways you know how to go thru an encounter, the more kinds of encounters you can participate in and hopefully do well in. which hopefully will increase your client base.

in my case, i would visit much fewer women iif i just stuck to one style. [and it's ok to do that too]
some of the women i visit only like to follow, like to lead, or like to be side-by-side. and i'm fine with that, but i have to constrain my experience with them.
but if a women is all three, at least in my book, talk about DELITES!!!!!

best to you as you navigate and ply thru this sub-culture of ours.