Need some help, sensitive subject

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Cheese! Lots an' lots o' cheese. 'Speshully chedd'r 'r velveeta. An' sum Spam ta go along wif it wuldn't hurt.
nuglet's Avatar
loperimide, otc
SweetKimberly's Avatar
You may need Cipro if it is a bacterial infection. It will not go away.
Buttman's Avatar
Two table spoons of carob powder mixed with milk does wonders
Maybe take some probiotics.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I feel like this dude's diarrhea actually posted this thread, or he's having fun making silly (and forbidden) posts and watching the responses, or he really came to a god damned fuck board for advice on his alimentary tract.

Regardless, I feel like this dude is posting from a windowless van behind the Rundberg HEB....
nuglet's Avatar
Maybe he had a date that went bad....?
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
+1 Valentina
knotty man's Avatar
Did you check the intake manifold?
gacgacgac2678's Avatar
Takin' creampies will do that to a fella.

Again though, it's OK Gabe. Your needs are your needs dude.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
WTF? Ah ain't tha OP!!! Put thet muthafukkah's post back up at tha yop!
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Hey David Donkhurst, That's nice of you to share your "Favorite type of lube during back door pleasure " , but why do you think the rest of us care?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah ain't tha OP!!!!! We dun bin hacked by Vladismeer Pootin'!!!! Sumbuddy call tha FBI!!!!
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Really David Duckphuk, you'd best check with the mods first before you write about your attempts at beast*iality