Is Trump Racist?

Golden guy's Avatar
People are always bashing trump saying he's racist. The only thing that he really said that could have maybe been racist was about a judge. He said he shouldn't have the job because of his Mexican heritage. Does that really make him racist though? One other instance that migbt be border line racist, was when before he announced who his running mate would be. He made a statement saying "my vp choice will not be a person of color" does that really make him racist though?
Golden guy's Avatar
He also said blacks are worse now then when they were slaves. Is this racist?
Golden guy's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Not hobby related, moved to proper forum
No, but making it a matter of policy not to rent to black people is. Sued by the federal government and lost on that issue. Father was very probably a member of the KKK. Apple never falls to far.
To answer your question, yes. I don't think we have seen the real Donald Trump yet. I believe he is much worse. Look at how he strikes out in such a childish manner. There a lot of pent up anger at in that man. It has nothing to do with america
The reason some people don't wanna rent to blacks is the same reason a lot of providers won't see them. Violence, destruction, non payment.....or just being a nuisance. Originally Posted by Gabe Barr.
Wow. You can lead a horse to water, honey. there's no arguing with that circular nonsense.
Buttman's Avatar
Not only a racist, but a sexist, immature, ignorant, crook ... and unfit to lead our great nation.
Little Monster's Avatar
Nah, Trump is not a racist. He is good decent stand up guy who cares deeply for the poor and middle class...
pussycat's Avatar
"We need to secure our borders" is racist. "We need to stop terrorism" is racist. "We need to lower crime" is racist. "We need to improve public education" is racist.

Quite simply, everything is racist. Originally Posted by Gabe Barr.
Yes it's an easy accusation to make. There are people who claim if you oppose Obamacare you are racist. The smears on continuous. Emails now show the provocateurs at Trump's primary rallies worked for Hilary, and the women alleging abuse in the past three weeks were all phonies too.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
and the women alleging abuse in the past three weeks were all phonies too. Originally Posted by pussycat
Do you have any proof of that? I know a friend of Summer Zervos has come forward and said Summer told her about her "encounter" with Trump 5 years ago.

I am still going with innocent until proven guilty. Trump said last week he had proof that the accusations are false but I haven't heard anything since then. Do you have any solid proof that the women are "phonies" or has Trump said something I may have missed?
Trump always says he has proof. Remember the spill the beans comment against the Clinton's. He has nothing but idle threats in a hope to scare people. Bottom line he did these things when no one was around. He is careful. But he did it
Yes it's an easy accusation to make. There are people who claim if you oppose Obamacare you are racist. The smears on continuous. Emails now show the provocateurs at Trump's primary rallies worked for Hilary, and the women alleging abuse in the past three weeks were all phonies too. Originally Posted by pussycat
You do understand that the super PAC work autonomously from the capaign . so they could do thing without a candidates input. PACs should be outlawed on all sides
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
If'n yew culd prove thet Donaldt thoT he wuz bett'r than black folks, mebbe he'd be racist. But Ah think we kin all agree he not only thincks, but he ackshully is, bett'r than 99.99999999% o' e'erybuddy! GO TRUMP!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump always says he has proof. Remember the spill the beans comment against the Clinton's. He has nothing but idle threats in a hope to scare people. Bottom line he did these things when no one was around. He is careful. But he did it Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
I don't doubt it. People of power like him are very likely to use that power to force themselves on others. However, I also don't want to see a man accused of something he did not do. If he can prove he did not do it, don't tell us he has proof, give us the proof.