Labor Participation Rate Drops To 36 Year Low; Record 92.6 Million Americans Not In Labor Force

SEE3772's Avatar
LowRider69's Avatar
Looks like he fundamentally changed the labor market too.........
LexusLover's Avatar
While the current administration takes credit for a falling jobless rate, will they take credit for an increasing number of folks just not looking for a job any longer?
While the current administration takes credit for a falling jobless rate, will they take credit for an increasing number of folks just not looking for a job any longer? Originally Posted by LexusLover
of course not, Obama is out saying how 'great' the Economy is doing.. he such a liar!!

and to you Dems, hell no the GOP and us non Democrat leaning folk do NOT want the economy to fail, we want real jobs, not a Nation of part-timers. we want real wage increase not phony baloney!

Yalls Dear Leader keeps pissing down your backs and telling you its raining.. and yall keep loving the piss!

oh and he keeps crying about how Fox News is biased against him.. are you fuking kidding me?? Welcome to what its like to have the media always against you know what its like to be George Bush
Buy them tickets so they can go over seas and work their old jobs..