Showcases only in San Antonio?

I am trying to figure out how to view the "showcases" that are only in San Antonio. Is there anyway to do this? Although I love seeing the 8 pages worth, sometimes I would like to just see what the local area has to offer!
Yes. We will be rolling the Browse by Metro Location option in the next few days.

St. C
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Oh Cool, I think that would be a great feature!
kapt_krunch's Avatar
I do believe this feature has been available for quite sometime...

Or click the provider showcase tab at the top of the page, then click search showcases. Change metro location to San Antonio and there you go.
You're right...however, that pales in comparison to the NEW browse feature. It's live now...go have a peek.
Nice feature!

Thanks ECCIE!!!
kapt_krunch's Avatar
You're right...however, that pales in comparison to the NEW browse feature. It's live now...go have a peek. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
Wow. Very nice.
flinde's Avatar
what a great feature. I just spent 1 hour searching showcases by breast size.
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
AWESOME!!! I love it.
Very cool...thanks guys...more reasons that ECCIE ROCKS!!!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Very Very nice..