Lauren Summerhill

Fast Gunn's Avatar
There was a minor little cat fight on the board recently so trivial that many people may have missed but nevertheless considered serious to upset Lauren enough and drove her to disable her account in protest.

Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure to know the lady personally, however, I do enjoy reading her posts as she is a well-read lady and adds a certain dash of panache of which the board is in dire short supply.

Should we ask her to stop being such a candy ass and come back to the board?

. . . What do you think?

Personally, I think we need more ladies participating on the board and giving us their insights, not less and we shouldn't drive them away just to show how tough we are.

There, are you happy now?
this thread fails without a link for references
I can assure you she didn't disable her account because of a cat fight. She has been dealing with some BS for several years.
Naomi4u's Avatar
OP: Wow.. that was the reason she chose to depart? That thread? I didn't see it as a catfight at all. Yikes!

Her website:
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So what was the real reason if it wasn't just a minor cat-fight?
Naomi4u's Avatar
So what was the real reason if it wasn't just a minor cat-fight? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I can assure you she didn't disable her account because of a cat fight. She has been dealing with some BS for several years. Originally Posted by Ansley

^I think she would know.
So what was the real reason if it wasn't just a minor cat-fight? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If it is so important to you, contact her yourself. I am not about to put her business out here in the open.
shorty's Avatar
Would someone pass the !!
Naomi4u's Avatar
I can see how she may have felt like she was being ganged up on every response she made on that post. but its nothing to leave eccie for, maybe she just feels like she need to take a break from the board right now.

and thanks for putting a link because I would have had never found it. :-)
shorty's Avatar
Naomi. . . What's the odd's this thread will get shut down by the weekend?LOL
Naomi4u's Avatar

and thanks for putting a link because I would have had never found it. :-) Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
NO problem

My personal opinion is that some people take this board a little too seriously. People leave this board everyday.. what is the big deal here? I understand Lauren has been a member here for years but so have other members and THEY have left. Sometimes, in life, people decide to move on. That is just life. I just get sick of people thinking that this hooker board/escort community is the end all be all. Some people were acting as if the girl had passed. She is still very well , beautiful and living. No one forced her out. She decided to leave on her own and others should respect that. End of story.
shorty's Avatar
Amen Naomi!! Don't get me wrong, I do like to talk about sex alot but I do like to talk about other things. That just makes you a more educated person, if you can carry on different topics. It is sad when a person can't carry on a conversation past his interest or work.

My personal opinion is that some people take this board a little too seriously. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yes, some of us do take this board seriously. There's not a damn thing wrong with that either. I know you don't need this board to make money. You remind of us of that fact all the time. I'm taking a wild guess here, but most of us are here to make money.
uh oh misconstrued statements are going to make this an interesting thead.