Cameras In AMP Rooms?

New member but I’ve read the boards for awhile. I have an honest question for the group as it relates to cameras in the massage rooms of AMPs by way of the AMP operator. Do you believe it’s a widespread practice or not really a thing whatsoever in DFW? On one hand it would be stupid for the AMP operator to essentially convict themselves, but I’ve read posts and news stories where following a raid LE discovers the video cameras and the recording equipment. From there LE attempts to go after those on camera via public posting of headshots asking for the community’s help identifying folks. I appreciate your responses.
Chung Tran's Avatar
New member but I’ve read the boards for awhile. I have an honest question for the group as it relates to cameras in the massage rooms of AMPs by way of the AMP operator. Do you believe it’s a widespread practice or not really a thing whatsoever in DFW? On one hand it would be stupid for the AMP operator to essentially convict themselves, but I’ve read posts and news stories where following a raid LE discovers the video cameras and the recording equipment. From there LE attempts to go after those on camera via public posting of headshots asking for the community’s help identifying folks. I appreciate your responses. Originally Posted by Dallasobserver2021

It is done at every AMP. Since you have lurked before, you are undoubtedly aware of the pioneering research in this area, from a Member who schooled us all. The camera is installed near the vent on the ceiling of each room, it is so tiny you don't notice. It serves two functions. The Spa Manager typically watches the action ''live'', from a hidden utility room. On occasion she will masturbate while viewing. After your session, she sends the video to cloud storage, where the Cops have a password for access. I have heard of Male Homosexual Officers making DVD copies for themselves. There is a website that depicts all the guys in North Texas, who have visited AMPs. Yes, headshots, but also dick pics if you click an icon stating you are 18 or older.

Of course, it doesn't begin and end there. Your vehicle gets captured in photos, including your license plate, which is run for outstanding warrants. About 20% of guys are nabbed when they leave the Spa. Because the warrant check is done at the Spa, and the Spa Manager sends the results to Police stationed in the neighborhood. The Manager is a double agent.

I suggest you not bother trying to navigate this system, that is stacked against you. Sure, there are guys who still go, but they pay alms to the police, to look the other way. I'm not going to say bribes, because alms is a nicer term, and is Catholic Church sanctioned. These alms add $100 to the price of a session, so the guys you see writing reviews have deep pockets. Now, their pics still line the website, and contain a caption ''this guy is a sleazy reprobate in the eyes of God'', but they escape prosecution. That may or may not deter your pursuit of Spa sexual satisfactuon, but at least you are armed with facts.
There's been several discussions about this. Yes, some establishments, including legit ones have cameras in the rooms. One indie in Denton actually has one conspicuously mounted on the ceiling, above the table.

If you are concerned about being recorded, you can buy an IR detector at a spy shop. Pretty pricey. You can use your phone's cam, because it will "see" the IR and it shows up on the display. But, this only works if your cam is pointed directly at the cam, and the cam is currently activated. So, not very effective. And, if the cam is fixed-focus, there's no IR to detect.

Of course, nothing gets your provider suspicious like a dude whoopin' out his tech to scan the room.

The long and short of it is that you may be recorded. And, even with scanning tech, you may not find it.

I don't suspect in-room cams are common. But, there are some out there. And, in some cases, LE installed them (some NFL owner got busted in FL), without the owner's knowledge.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
As I’m getting undressed in the room, I always make a point to wave to the air vent to say Hihi , just in case, lol
Well, only two of the three responses were sarcastic so I will count that as a win. I figured if there were to be cameras in the room(s) it was most likely a live feed rather than a recorded video feed.
I always ask for a copy to check my performance.
Cameras are being used, but how many locations have them will never be known. This applies to spas, studios and Indies. I am sure everyone has heard of the Robert Kraft story as well, so if the mgmt isn't recording you, the police may be and in Texas a prostitution conviction is a felony. 100% this board is also monitored by police. Play at your own risk.
vigilant17's Avatar
Chung, you crack me up, glad you are back.
SHS's Avatar
  • SHS
  • 12-09-2022, 09:59 AM
Chung, LMFAO
pornstars and didn't know it!!!
That's why I always wear a disguise. My favorite is to go as a fat mid 50s man with a little dick. Nobody would guess that was me!
  • AP51
  • 12-10-2022, 03:09 PM
Vigilant 17 well said and on point for subamps.
Vigilant17, I agree with all your points. You are well informed.

That's why I always wear a disguise. My favorite is to go as a fat mid 50s man with a little dick. Nobody would guess that was me! Originally Posted by Theoldsarge
Shit! That was my disguise too. I guess I gotta figure something else out. 😆
Chung wins the internet for today…