Oxford School Shooting

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The suspect, police said, turned himself over to authorities, and asked for an attorney.

Some parents later said even before the shooting rumors had been circulating that a school shooting was going to happen, and some students even said that they decided not to attend.

Robin Redding, the parent of a 12th-grader, told the Associated Press that there had been rumblings of trouble at the school.

“He was not in school today," she said. "He just said that 'Ma I don’t feel comfortable. None of the kids that we go to school with are going today.' "
Parents, lock up your guns. Educate your children on how to safely and properly handle them, for sure, but leave them locked up or at least someplace *safe* when you aren't home.

You can teach your kid to be awesome and right and kind but you can't control genetic mental health problems that might be passed on... You can't control the swarms of hormones raging through their body in their teens... And your little light of sun has the power to kill, just like any other man, woman, and child on this planet, when they are given an object thats intended purpose is to kill.

As far as this article goes... He did good by turning himself in and lawyering up, but he has at least THREE counts of PREMEDITATED murder. The school knew about this for DAYS ahead of time; plus, him turning himself in and getting a lawyer kind of proves he is of solid mind. How mortified are the school officials, do you think, for not paying proper attention?

Imagine, a bunch of middle-high schoolers - "Today is the day Tommy is bringing in the gun, do you wanna skip and smoke some pot instead? I don't wanna get busted for having weed in school"
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Down voted thread.
Plastic Man's Avatar
the story wills only be covered dependin ...ons the pigments a ...yer perp
valkyra's Avatar
Down voted thread. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
who uses the voting system on eccie? literally only you. have a ball

the story wills only be covered dependin ...ons the pigments a ...yer perp Originally Posted by Plastic Man
they didn't disclose the race of the suspect, but I think the media will have their hands full with the fact that it was a 15 YEAR OLD who PLANNED and then FOLLOWED THROUGH with the shooting and killing of his fellow classmates
I'm betting he was bullied and everyone knew something might happen.
valkyra's Avatar
I'm betting he was bullied and everyone knew something might happen. Originally Posted by hardlikker12
The school KNEW about the threat, that's the thing, read the article. It's crazy.
Everyone knew the kid was crazy. He had been making serious threats, the school was notified, the school "looked into" the situation, and deemed that it was "safe" and held school.

There were kids who DIDN'T go to school that day because they knew there was going to be a school shooting.

My opinion is, the kid needed attention. You're probably right, he's probably bullied and this is his way of getting LOTS of attention. Good or bad doesn't matter. He just wants people to know he exists. It's just sad kids feel like he has to resort to this. Now he's in the system, and good luck coming back from that.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
who uses the voting system on eccie? literally only you. have a ball Originally Posted by valkyra
Thanks for your blessing baby.
bobmidnight's Avatar
If you know your kid has mental issues then it's totally on the parents for allowing access to firearm.
rooster's Avatar
If you know your kid has mental issues then it's totally on the parents for allowing access to firearm. Originally Posted by bobmidnight
It's simpler than that...

Ya don't allow kids unsupervised access to a firearm ever. And you should go down with them if you do.

valkyra's Avatar
It's simpler than that...

Ya don't allow kids unsupervised access to a firearm ever. And you should go down with them if you do.

. Originally Posted by rooster
I agree with this, there is no reason why he should have had access to his parent's gun while they weren't watching him

He's 15, though. at that age I was being a shithead and wasn't listening to my parents either

but then again, i didn't shoot anybody

Even say it was properly locked away in the house, and he went through great lengths to get their gun - surely someone had reached out to the parents to let them know that their son was threatening to shoot up the school? Like, maybe, the school who said they investigated it? I'm pretty sure that should have included... i don't know, a phone call home?
valkyra's Avatar

"The suspect was being charged as an adult Wednesday with terrorism causing death and four counts of first-degree murder. He also faces seven counts of assault with intent to murder and 12 counts of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, Oakland County Prosecutor Karen D. McDonald said. The suspect was to be arraigned later in the day."
McDonald's office will consider charges against the suspect's parents, she said.
Fun fact! There have been 32 school shootings this year. Holy fuck

Video from the school shows the assailant was "shooting people at close range -- oftentimes toward the head or chest," Bouchard told CNN's "New Day" on Wednesday.
"It's chilling. It's absolutely cold-hearted, murderous," Bouchard said.
Sounds like he has some deeper issues going on, however
Michigan law prevents police from talking to a juvenile without parental permission, and the parents have refused that permission and requested a lawyer, Bouchard said.
Mom and dad are supportive (?). I'm very curious what led up to this, for this boy.

This quote is from the NY post article below, but
Authorities swarmed his family home hours after the shooting and were spotted hauling away evidence, including what appeared to be long guns, Fox 2 footage showed
mom and dad are making this fun
however, it was FOX footage, so it might be fake or fucking, pvc piping or something
valkyra's Avatar
His name is Ethan Crumbley

Staff edit Pictures of underage children not allowed

An Instagram account bearing Crumbley’s name, which has since been deleted, had the phrase “’Now I am become Death, the destroyer of world’. See you tomorrow, Oxford” written in the biography section,
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Dr-epg's Avatar
While this is national news and pictures are posted on many other sites ECCIE still has a policy against pictures showing underage children
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.

valkyra's Avatar
While this is national news and pictures are posted on many other sites ECCIE still has a policy against pictures showing underage children
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.

Thanks Originally Posted by Dr-epg
My bad