Reports of Hillary meltdown on election night

love2fishfork's Avatar
Interesting read (short).

Throwing a $950,000 bottle of champagne into a 150" TV
Cake decorations in-bedded into the drywall
Pitfall's Avatar
I would pay to see a video.
LexusLover's Avatar
I would pay to see a video. Originally Posted by Pitfall
You won't have to pay for it.
  • DSK
  • 12-20-2016, 02:14 PM
Sounds plausible to me - I really would like to see a receipt for the glass ceiling!
Interesting read (short).

Throwing a $950,000 bottle of champagne into a 150" TV
Cake decorations in-bedded into the drywall Originally Posted by love2fishfork
Typical of a liberal and especially one whose " destiny " as " the smartest woman in the world " ( as the " in-the-tank-for-the-liberals " media would have us believe ) thought the Presidency was hers for the taking ( by rigging the game ! ) and has been a narcissist for all of these years. Just like her sexual predator and disbarred ( in his own home state ! ) husband. Pizz on that crooked broom driver !
Her history of berating " staff " is not new. She cursed the Arkansas State Troopers on her protection detail and the military aides during Slick Willy's term. Her mouth is as foul as any sailor's.
Some of today's talk shows are saying that she wants another try in 2020 !
LexusLover's Avatar
Interesting read (short).

Throwing a $950,000 bottle of champagne into a 150" TV
Cake decorations in-bedded into the drywall Originally Posted by love2fishfork
In 1993 I got an earful of "off the record" descriptions of HillaryNoMore throwing a shit-screaming profanity tantrum directed at Bill-the-Predator in the upstairs wing at the WH over an invitation being extended to "THE BALL" for the bimbo he met from his "Hollywood Friends" who "cut hair" and who Bill was going to install as the "President's Barber" as a replacement for the guy who had been cutting hair for a number of Presidents prior to the Clintons arriving. SS agents demanded transfers.

She has "problems," besides wasting over-priced champagne!

Her anger and temper tantrums are legendary. They are offensive.
LexusLover's Avatar
Some of today's talk shows are saying that she wants another try in 2020 ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Good. The Russians are on alert!
Sort of like Marie Antionette finding out that being married to ole Louie wasn't such a great gig after all.

Just think. That, lying, despicable, MoneyGrubbing, condescending, sexual predator enabling cunt was that close to being Commander in Chief.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sort of like Marie Antionette finding out that being married to ole Louie wasn't such a great gig after all.

Just think. That, lying, despicable, MoneyGrubbing, condescending, sexual predator enabling cunt was that close to being Commander in Chief. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Commander in Distress is closer. I suspect she won't make it to 2020.

There will be 4 years of peeling the onion and the corruption will seep out as each layer is removed. Many of their pledges for funds in the future will default and they may even have to "refund" some of the funds already received by them under false pretenses.

It's a mixed bag for the payors, who will have to tap dance around the issue of "why the money was paid," but they can on the basis that these people convinced us they were going to win in 2016, so we paid money to remain in good with them without any specific promise of p4p. A good business person would reimburse rather than litigate to keep it quiet.

Didn't Bill have a lucrative speaking engagement in Moscow? Putin is ruthless.
More fake news being gobbled up by the gullible. Patriot news is one of the sites identified by both the CIA and FBI as Russian propaganda.
LexusLover's Avatar
More fake news .... Originally Posted by YosemiteJohn
.. like the DNC email exchanges?

Speaking of FAKED NEWS!

The DNC email exchanges were "Russian propaganda"?

That mantra didn't last long .... take a look at the Elector votes!

The Liberals have deluded themselves if they actually believe Conservatives are as naive as they are! They actually thought they could intimidate and bribe Conservatives to renege on their commitments! Judging others by one's own standards is a losing strategy!
I'm not deluded - just read through this thread. It starts off with an obviously fictional event and then the usual suspects jump in with your fantasies and conjectures. It is kinda sad, really. I don't know what disasters Trump will bring (we barely survived W and he wasn't half as foul) but I'm sure you clowns will somehow manage to convince yourselves it wasn't your fault. You should all pledge to take full blame or credit for whatever comes next. Terrorist attacks, financial collapse, recession, wars... I get the feeling we won't have too long before those four horsemen of Republican policies ride into town.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More fake news being gobbled up by the gullible. Patriot news is one of the sites identified by both the CIA and FBI as Russian propaganda. Originally Posted by YosemiteJohn
So the Establishment thinks it's fake. It just gained more credibility.
I'm not deluded - just read through this thread. It starts off with an obviously fictional event and then the usual suspects jump in with your fantasies and conjectures. It is kinda sad, really. I don't know what disasters Trump will bring (we barely survived W and he wasn't half as foul) but I'm sure you clowns will somehow manage to convince yourselves it wasn't your fault. You should all pledge to take full blame or credit for whatever comes next. Terrorist attacks, financial collapse, recession, wars... I get the feeling we won't have too long before those four horsemen of Republican policies ride into town. Originally Posted by YosemiteJohn
didn't the state you live in vote for Trump maybe you should be asking them what convinced them to vote for Trump go do something useful

where's Bambino at, do you know this chump
LexusLover's Avatar
didn't the state you live in vote for Trump ...... Originally Posted by gary5912
... with a name like Yosemite sounds like California!!!!

His post does also.