So what would the perfect gal be to you? Can you be satisfied by "Just One"? Could there be one that would take you away from all of this?

Whispers's Avatar
36 years spread across two marriages where each gal let themselves get out of shape more than once or lost interest in the bedroom overtime has always been one of the main reasons I cheated.

Being hungry and knowing that going home would not find a woman willing to make a meal was a reason for taking some other lady out to dinner.

Knowing if I opened the front door I would find a couch potatoe or someone with her attention focused on Facebook and a messy house wearing something old and ugly was a good enough reason to check into a nice hotel with a lady in a sexy outfit.

I always met some missing need at home with some other lady I would meet outside the marriage.

At times it was simply sex and P4P was the convenient answer.

I am a guy that often says " I want what I want when I want it" and if it is noon and I want my dick sucked and the lady in my life is not willing ....well.... That's why so many other ladies make a dollar here and there.... If I can't convince the gal at home that she REALLY NEEDS to blow me on my lunch hour then I will go have lunch at Sugars.

Often over the years the reasons have been rooted in basic companionship. My last wife and I simply grew in different directions and developed different interests. Her career also took up much of her time.

I know some things about me.

1) I need to feel "wanted"
2) I need to be "needed"
3) I have a huge ego that needs stroking
4) I take extreme pride in my accomplishments and want someone that shares in them willing to help maintain the results I achieve
5) I want others to be envious of what I have.

I have always believed that when the right woman is in my life that looks great, wants me when I want to be wanted, cooks and cleans and makes my home the showpiece I want it to be while meeting all my other needs that I would give her everything including my undivided attention.

I have always justified my indiscretions by what was missing in my life that she COULD do but chose not to do. And I have never felt guilty while doing it.

I am beginning to wonder though if any one woman can be what I want.
I don't think the question is yes or no but more of a for how long.
nuglet's Avatar
can you pronounce "chauvinist"?
Just joshing bud.. but your profile is pretty one sided. Especially the "in shape" part.;.
All of us would want the "perfect" woman, but life is full of compromises.. and one compromise is to find a new one when you get tired of the old one. From the viewpoint of either the guy or girl in the relationship.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-29-2012, 12:00 PM
Hmmmm... I'll play. Leave the critiques to the critiquers...

A perfect type...

I've learned over my life that I get bored with women who are doormats or not exceptionally intelligent. I find good conversations, over a wide range of topics, to be sexually stimulating. Is it a neccesity everytime, of course not. But to really keep my interest I "want a girl" who is smart edging on brainiac, loves to discuss topics/life/HER interests as well as mine, is open with her feelings/beliefs/ideals yet TOLERANT of other opinions. That last part is the hardest to find. Most uber intelligent lasses struggle with tolerating another viewpoint.
I like a woman that is accomplished in something..."know a lot about something, and a little about everything"...who has some true core passions in life & loves to discuss those passions. Some of the best times of my life have been sharing a bottle of wine and getting caught up in a deep discussion on something with a beautiful woman on my couch, deck, or even in bed. Just sets a spectacular mood...IMHO.

Physical...I don't get excessively hung up on a particular "type". Have found beautiful women who were both dull & had little physical "intelligence" IE didn't now how to "make love" or appreciate having it made to them-GPS is in play often at that level. Conversly, I have found some considered just ok on the hot meter to be extremely passionate as well as incredibly intelligent.

When you find one who possesses both, that is what keeps me active!

Perfect for me would be...

5'7" 120-140# Green or Brown eyes (Grey is heaven, but rare). Perfect "B" or "C" cuppage (although I enjoy the entire alphabet & find all letters enjoyable). Tight little ass-not neccesarily muscular-just soft and well formed, Loooonnngggg legs in proportion. Natural brunette, have just always been drawn to brunettes. Must LOVE kissing & making out. Can DT. DOESN'T fake sex. If its just enjoyable but not orgasmic this go around, thats ok, just relax & do the best you can. But if its great for you too, let me know by saying so!

K...I think I just described a younger Ashley Judd, so at least now I know...
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Funny thing is that if I could "Frankenstein" my regulars then I'd probably have the perfect gal for me.
nuglet's Avatar
Funny thing is that if I could "Frankenstein" my regulars then I'd probably have the perfect gal for me. Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke
Cloning tech has made some giant strides in the last 3-5 years.. Now all we need is some genetic manipulation skills.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
When I have a girlfriend, I don't hobby. In the end, I'm hoping to meet the right woman to settle down with permanently, but so far I just haven't had any luck. I'm willing to die single and searching for the right one. One of these days...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 03-29-2012, 10:06 PM
I am beginning to wonder though if any one woman can be what I want. Originally Posted by Whispers
For me, I'm hoping that there is, but I have the sinking feeling that there isn't...

  • Joan
  • 03-30-2012, 03:07 AM
To think there may be a "perfect" other half for any one being is unrealistic... Right? Ha- Now I'm doubting myself. ;-)
So what would the perfect gal be to you?
  1. Spiritually Strong - honest, loyal, uses all seven of her senses* to get at all seven of mine
  2. Mentally Strong - knowledgeable (fully-comprehends who she is), creative, productive
  3. Physically Strong - takes care her body so it can be used to the fullest by her spirit and mind
Understands what brings me joy, and derives joy from it.
Understands what scares me, and helps me deal with it.

I've demanded this of myself since I began dating way back in high school. Many, many years later, I haven't changed. I want a woman who demands the same of herself (and of me).

Can you be satisfied by "Just One"?
Years ago, I my answer would have been, "No". Now, I can say "Yes". I've matured/grown/gained wisdom or something... Or, maybe I finally met "Just One".

Could there be one that would take you away from all of this?

Yes, but it's not "Just One". "Just One" helped me leave P4P, but I'm The One who's keeping from indulging.

It took me a while to fully-understand why I started doing P4P. It took a lot less time to understand why I continued. At that point, I came to understand that P4P was sapping away my spiritual and mental strength (hurting me and hurting others). Comprehending the negative impact P4P was having on two of the three things I feel define me made quitting the only answer. I also changed my way of thinking about P4P, so whenever I get the urge, I do some thinking and/or reading about P4P, remember why I left, and the urge is squelched.

*smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight, proprioception, and humor
To think there may be a "perfect" other half for any one being is unrealistic... Right? Ha- Now I'm doubting myself. ;-) Originally Posted by Joan
I believe perfection is relative, so it is not unrealistic. It is attainable.

I once owned a bicycle that had a huge scratch on it. Most would say it was not perfect. The scratch didn't bother me a bit. That bike had all the qualities I wanted in a bike and it fit me, so for me it was perfect.
I believe perfection is relative, so it is not unrealistic. It is attainable.

I once owned a bicycle that had a huge scratch on it. Most would say it was not perfect. The scratch didn't bother me a bit. That bike had all the qualities I wanted in a bike and it fit me, so for me it was perfect. Originally Posted by JohnBrown7

VERY Nice Analogy...BEAUTY Is In The Eye Of The BEHOLDER!!!!!


NO! Originally Posted by rockerrick

YES, Absolutely one

Per day
YES, Absolutely one

Per day Originally Posted by homer13
But Homer.....what if she made the best pastrami sandwich you ever had?