Calling all Ex-Wildflowers

Over the last few months since I've been a little more active on the boards, a number of Ex-Wildflowers, both civilians and providers have contacted me, asking how I'm doing, how's my health problems, how Mikki and Yogi are doing. I've met and had coffee with a number of them. I've seen Ava Baker, Trinity, Meg, Lexi/McKenzie, missed Solei, yesterday met with Reese McLain. In all of our discussions, it's always, who've you talked to, where's so and so. Reese brought up names she'd talked to in recent years and doesn't know where they are now, Jess Kelly, Hope, Candace Anderson, Laura
Garza, and more that would take 2 pages to write out. It got me thinking, as I get older, those of you who know me, I have no family, no kids, just long gone ex-wives, no mom or dad, aunts or uncles. Just me Mikki and Yogi. These ladies were my family for over 5 years, I'd like to reconnect. If you are an Ex-Wildflower, I'd like to talk to you, buy you a cup of coffee. If your so knows about you past life, bring him along. Bring the kids as one of my first coffee mates did, and her kids were adorable, says a guy who never wanted kids. If you know how to get ahold of an ex, let me know. I will be very discrete, and not try to expose anyone's prior life to their so/family. I only want to know that they're ok, AND TO THANK THEM FOR THEIR WORK. I think a company is only as good as it's employees, and we had GREAT employees. I want to say thanks and make sure your life is on the right track. And most important, GUYS, I'M NOT GETTING BACK IN THE BIZ, WILL NOT ACT AS A CONNECTION. But, if you help connect me, I'll buy you coffee also!!! Can't beat that can you? And, thank you guys for all you did for us as well.
So, guys, and ladies, please help me out. The coffee's on me.
The Wildflower Group