Mean Girls

Laurenspencer's Avatar
Over the last few months I have observed a lot with providers . No matter how much I read or learn or educate myself , I still don't understand how so many providers can be right down vicious . How many of you have seen the movie Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan or experienced bullying in junior high school ?
Providers or Clients welcome to comment. The hobby for ladies can leave the provider feeling isolated especially if this is their only job and they have no one to talk to it about . Its not like we can say Aunt Rose this provider was a mean girl to me , she outed me to a client . We don't have a lot of people we can talk to about these issues when they arise . Thats why we rely on Eccie as a support system to talk to clients and providers , to learn things , to laugh and make friends . This is like our own little secret Facebook . There is some amazing clients out there , I would not be where I am today with out them . But there is some real buttheads too . I love the hobby , its fun and different from the boring sitting behind the desk 8 hrs a day looking outside wishing you could go for a walk or get lunch with a friend . If providers would look at the hobby differently , they would see its a luxury to be a companion . You can go back to college , raise kids , start another business , pursue a passion or a dream . Also if they would work together as a team/friends it makes all the difference in the world . This outing other providers because you are angry and did not get your way has to STOP. It can ruin their live, cost them friends or family , lose a corporate job and most importantly their safety . This goes for providers outing Clients as well , giving out their personal info etc ...
Talking negatively about other providers is horrible to clients or anyone . If they don't have the same values as you and you don't want to pursue the friendship , go your separate way , don't trash them to everyone you can . I know I wear my heart on my sleeve and I get my feelings hurt easily . It's just who I am . My mother always had to explain things to me very gently or I would cry . My first big word when I was two , was Compromise . It's still one of my favorite words today . As you read this , providers or clients , let's all please not talk negatively about others , its hurtful and mean . It could really effect someone emotionally , even if they don't say anything . I know I see the world through rose colored glasses , but it would be wonderful to see the providers all get along and be friends , there is no need to be jealous or mean girl , there is plenty of clients to go around and good clients DONT like drama or want to pay to listen to it . I love all of you and Hope you're having a wonderful Labor Day weekend . XOXO Lauren
biomed1's Avatar
As a general topic of discussion, there is much to be said and learned from the Opening Post.
However, I must ensure that everyone is aware of the Eccie Guidelines.
A brief summary of examples of conduct that would breach the Guidelines can be found below:
The following is not permitted on the site:

  • Insulting Others
  • Targeting other members for attacks
  • Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
  • Disrespecting other members on the site
  • General rudeness toward other members on the site
This was a great post. Others have been hurtful, even ruthless. It saddens me but it iz what it is. Many are just out for themselves. A narcissist will never change.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
This was a great post. Others have been hurtful, even ruthless. It saddens me but it iz what it is. Many are just out for themselves. A narcissist will never change. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I am trying my best when I have free time which is few and far between to help others understand how in important it is just to be nice . It does not cost anything and its one of the simplest things to do to brighten someones day
CatMan4u's Avatar
Being nice has it's benefits
It makes for a good encounter and repeat visits
WMJ4657's Avatar
After the kindergarten class do we go straight to first grade or are we skipping classes? Just curious
  • AgFox
  • 09-06-2021, 08:28 AM
After the kindergarten class do we go straight to first grade or are we skipping classes? Just curious Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Some students will have to repeat the grade.
After the kindergarten class do we go straight to first grade or are we skipping classes? Just curious Originally Posted by WMJ4657
I like kindergarten with kolaches
After the kindergarten class do we go straight to first grade or are we skipping classes? Just curious Originally Posted by WMJ4657
What grade do we get to meet the big purple dinosaur?
Hot Summer's Avatar
Ya we won't all get along.
But i find Its best to teach them by example and not participate in this outting and bullying trend that seems to be so hot right now!
Just my 2 cents worth
Happy Labor day Lauren hope you've had a great holiday.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Well it's quite obvious that certain providers think certain clients should only see them & when they find out they have seen their frienemy they back channel threaten them and drop little tidbits here and there on them . Shit one is notorious for it but she is not the only one. Too many providers think there is a dick they might not get to suck when they see the frienemy got there first.

Then there is dumbass hobbyist who allow providers to bully them into trashing other providers thinking they might get some benefit from it.. Stupid bullshit & they worse than the providers bickering at each other.

No one is innocent in this little playground so quit fucking bitching about it. Mods need to let it run its course & yes I know you can't let grown-ups insult each other in this adult playground we can't have anyone's feelings get hurt.

Sorry Bio know you just following the rules
Well it's quite obvious that certain providers think certain clients should only see them & when they find out they have seen their frienemy they back channel threaten them and drop little tidbits here and there on them . Shit one is notorious for it but she is not the only one. Too many providers think there is a dick they might not get to suck when they see the frienemy got there first.

Then there is dumbass hobbyist who allow providers to bully them into trashing other providers thinking they might get some benefit from it.. Stupid bullshit & they worse than the providers bickering at each other.

No one is innocent in this little playground so quit fucking bitching about it. Mods need to let it run its course & yes I know you can't let grown-ups insult each other in this adult playground we can't have anyone's feelings get hurt.

Sorry Bio know you just following the rules Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Agreed. Lots of pots calling the kettles black here.
Exchequer's Avatar
What grade do we get to meet the big purple dinosaur? Originally Posted by arealone

I think the only thing you are going to meet is the business end of a paddle!


iamrollin's Avatar
You are awesome as usual with you real sweet and direct approach. Good post
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Just to be clear , This post has absolutely nothing to do with Ginger . I was recently outed & harassed weekly by a provider who was upset with me about something from 2017 and decided to bring it to the hobby in July 2021 . There is a client on this board that saw the video that she sent to a group text and said please forward this to Lauren , but used my real life name and information .
This kind of behavior is inexcusable and not to mention the the clients she put in the middle of it , they were innocent bystanders

The video was humiliating , embarrassing all 4min and 13 seconds . Not to mention is was a pack of lies .