VP Review Links Under Avatar Glitch?

ANONONE's Avatar
I am not sure if this is a widespread glitch, or if it only happens with some outliers on the board, but while I love the added feature of Providers having a clickable icon under their avatar that leads to all of her reviews, I may have stumbled on a small problem.

It looks like the initial groupings were done off a keyword sort rather than actual handles of verified providers?

For instance a Midwest Karla is now joined with a non-member Karla out of San Antonio.

Here are the links if this helps track down the problem:


Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-13-2010, 07:40 PM
When the feature was first implemented the reviews that were already posted (over 21,000 of them) had to be manually assigned. So yes, there were quite a number of mistakes and new Report Review feature (described here... http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=141459) can be used to report the remaining reviews that are assigned by mistake.
ANONONE's Avatar