Tiger now dui - a robot

VitaMan's Avatar
Tiger had a good life as long as his dad was around.

After his dad died, he just continues to decline. His dad was too much of an
influence. He is basically a robot created by his dad. No master - no functioning robot.
tttalinky's Avatar
If he would have bought a hobby phone a few years ago it would have save him half a billion dollars!

Oneputbirdie's Avatar
Lift or uber! No excuse!
Slitlikr's Avatar
Good for the resume.
Lift or uber! No excuse! Originally Posted by Oneputbirdie
with his kind of $$$$ a car service! 24x7
TryWeakly's Avatar
(Half of his money)
Guest123018-4's Avatar
One word Ambien. https://www.drugs.com/ambien.html

The side effects of Ambien include doing things that you do not know you are doing.
Combine them with pain meds and the effect may be worse.

I feel sorry for the guy to a certain extent. Worse thing he ever did was get sideways with Butch Harmon. Everybody else has not only hurt his swing but also his back. Check out who has had back problems and who has used Hank Haney for one.
VitaMan's Avatar
There's only one real tiger.....this isn't the one. This is Eldrick.

VitaMan's Avatar
This is the real one

VitaMan's Avatar
Seeing if anyone is paying attention

VM, where can I get this lady to work on my BACK! CA
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If the man is still on pain meds this long after his last surgery, he is done. Maybe he can make an effort on the senior tour.
he should buy a nice private island and stock it with 18 year old virgins.

that should pacify him and ease the pain
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I feel sorry for him, this illustrates that money doesn't buy happiness. I'm hoping for a comeback story.

^^^^ a young white Longhorn has already replaced him

edit: and don't feel sorry for him. That's just stupid.