Obstruction of Congress and Abuse of Power...

Chung Tran's Avatar
obstruction? yes.. so many seem to think Trump can refuse to cooperate because of "separation of powers".. huh? it is that piece of the Constitution that enables and requires Congress to act to reign in corruption in the Executive branch.

Abuse of Power? it all hinges on "the Call".. getting a Foreign Power to do Trump's bidding, to affect an election outcome, and hold up Congressionally-approved funds. I believe it was Trump's intention to delay the funds UNTIL Ukraine announced it was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if they actually did, he wanted them to announce it.. a White House visit would follow as well.

how "bad" was that? it was wrong, but in the scheme of things, not that big a deal.. even Pencil-Neck says the obstruction of Congress is the bigger fish. consider if no Call was ever made.. nothing would ultimately be different, except the funds were delayed a short time.. NO effect on anything. Trump has a right (and I would submit, a DUTY) to investigate the Bidens.. but.. why not start through appropriate channels? Trump got Rudy to sneak around, Rudy obviously hit a wall, which led to the Phone Call. get the Justice Department to launch the damn investigation.. announce it. leave Rudy out of it.. quit sneaking around. why wasn't that done? perfectly legal and justified.. what was Trump afraid of?

and by the way, I asked before, and have heard others ask.. never got a good answer. why did the Republican-controlled House ignore Hunter Biden? they could have investigated 2 years ago, when they were in control. and why is the media narrative so constant? "Hunter was investigated, the Joe influence was de-bunked".. really? by whom? when? link? Hunter (and Papa Joe) is more crooked than a 3 dollar bill.. please. I know Rudy is still trying to get info, Pencil-Neck is calling it a "continuation crime", or something like that. it's not that at all.. I welcome Rudy's continual investigation, but it would have been a much better look, had Trump originally gone through the Justice Department. Rudy is "in place" now, he may as well finish. and he better come up with some damning evidence..
obstruction? yes.. so many seem to think Trump can refuse to cooperate because of "separation of powers".. huh? it is that piece of the Constitution that enables and requires Congress to act to reign in corruption in the Executive branch.

Abuse of Power? it all hinges on "the Call".. getting a Foreign Power to do Trump's bidding, to affect an election outcome, and hold up Congressionally-approved funds. I believe it was Trump's intention to delay the funds UNTIL Ukraine announced it was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if they actually did, he wanted them to announce it.. a White House visit would follow as well.

how "bad" was that? it was wrong, but in the scheme of things, not that big a deal.. even Pencil-Neck says the obstruction of Congress is the bigger fish. consider if no Call was ever made.. nothing would ultimately be different, except the funds were delayed a short time.. NO effect on anything. Trump has a right (and I would submit, a DUTY) to investigate the Bidens.. but.. why not start through appropriate channels? Trump got Rudy to sneak around, Rudy obviously hit a wall, which led to the Phone Call. get the Justice Department to launch the damn investigation.. announce it. leave Rudy out of it.. quit sneaking around. why wasn't that done? perfectly legal and justified.. what was Trump afraid of?

and by the way, I asked before, and have heard others ask.. never got a good answer. why did the Republican-controlled House ignore Hunter Biden? they could have investigated 2 years ago, when they were in control. and why is the media narrative so constant? "Hunter was investigated, the Joe influence was de-bunked".. really? by whom? when? link? Hunter (and Papa Joe) is more crooked than a 3 dollar bill.. please. I know Rudy is still trying to get info, Pencil-Neck is calling it a "continuation crime", or something like that. it's not that at all.. I welcome Rudy's continual investigation, but it would have been a much better look, had Trump originally gone through the Justice Department. Rudy is "in place" now, he may as well finish. and he better come up with some damning evidence.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
This whole thing is really stupid. I can't imagine anyone with a half a brain believing the legitimacy of this bullshit. The Democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he was elected. First of course it was Russian Collusion, when that unraveled it was the Stormy Daniels story when that didn't work the Dems started squawking about Trump's Taxes. Now it's the phone call Trump had with the Ukraine president about corruption and Joe Biden and his son, Trump with holding Military aid. The Dems were going to impeach him on Quid quo pro and Bribery well that didn't work out. So now the Dems did some brain storming and decided they can get Trump on Obstructing Congress for not letting members of the Executive Branch testify while Trump is being impeached and of course they threw in Abuse of Power which isn't even an impeachable offense. These proceedings are an absolute mockery of the whole process by the Dems. They are going to impeach Trump on something not even related to what the original articles were that's how desperate they have become.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Geez CT.
Foreign policy is the sole responsibility of the executive branch.
Obstruction of congress? Lets impeach various members of congress for meddling in the executive branch.

The whole farce will he ending shortly.
And, we still don't have a budget tgat was due 3 months ago cause congress can't spend time on that.
CHUNGSTER like the rest of the pinheads on the left don't understand EQUAL branches of the Gumment and the process set up by the founding fathers to allow the judicial branch to review and rule on the demands of the legislative branch against the executive branch. The supreme court was going to take this up but the democraps in congress couldn't wait to rush this partisan hack job through. Trump has EVERY legal right to do this to stop this load of "MALARKEY". YOU CAN'T FIX STIPID!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
chung, you realize Trump is gas lighting the House Dem leadership.

what would you do if you have a hostile house trying to push a narrative that you were guilty of something? they are obviously not going to be fair about the so-called charges.

best defense is to gas light them.

I would have done the same if I were the president.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tran is one of those who believes if he repeats bullshit enough it's true.

Like: "The Sun rises in the East"!
Rudy has been in Ukraine lining up witnesses to show the corruption of the Biden’s, and verify President Trump’s efforts in making sure the new President was NOT part of the same entrenched corruption that has plagued Ukraine for decades.

BEFORE he handed over billions of US tax dollars.
obstruction? yes.. so many seem to think Trump can refuse to cooperate because of "separation of powers".. huh? it is that piece of the Constitution that enables and requires Congress to act to reign in corruption in the Executive branch.

Abuse of Power? it all hinges on "the Call".. getting a Foreign Power to do Trump's bidding, to affect an election outcome, and hold up Congressionally-approved funds. I believe it was Trump's intention to delay the funds UNTIL Ukraine announced it was investigating the Bidens. Trump didn't care if they actually did, he wanted them to announce it.. a White House visit would follow as well.

how "bad" was that? it was wrong, but in the scheme of things, not that big a deal.. even Pencil-Neck says the obstruction of Congress is the bigger fish. consider if no Call was ever made.. nothing would ultimately be different, except the funds were delayed a short time.. NO effect on anything. Trump has a right (and I would submit, a DUTY) to investigate the Bidens.. but.. why not start through appropriate channels? Trump got Rudy to sneak around, Rudy obviously hit a wall, which led to the Phone Call. get the Justice Department to launch the damn investigation.. announce it. leave Rudy out of it.. quit sneaking around. why wasn't that done? perfectly legal and justified.. what was Trump afraid of?

and by the way, I asked before, and have heard others ask.. never got a good answer. why did the Republican-controlled House ignore Hunter Biden? they could have investigated 2 years ago, when they were in control. and why is the media narrative so constant? "Hunter was investigated, the Joe influence was de-bunked".. really? by whom? when? link? Hunter (and Papa Joe) is more crooked than a 3 dollar bill.. please. I know Rudy is still trying to get info, Pencil-Neck is calling it a "continuation crime", or something like that. it's not that at all.. I welcome Rudy's continual investigation, but it would have been a much better look, had Trump originally gone through the Justice Department. Rudy is "in place" now, he may as well finish. and he better come up with some damning evidence.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What conduct would you describe as illegal under the charge of obstruction of congress?
HoeHummer's Avatar
YOU CAN'T FIX STIPID!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Yous are living proof, boobee. Yous are made of spare parts.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The abuse of power is he beat down billary , the obstruction is he beat down billary,
(side note there has to be a CRIME for obstruction )
Jaxson66's Avatar
Tran is one of those who believes if he repeats bullshit enough it's true.

Like: "The Sun rises in the East"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
He must have learned that tactic from the fat lying bastard spewing

“ impeachment is a hoax”. That’s not reality but some believe it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Tran is one of those who believes if he repeats bullshit enough it's true. Originally Posted by LexusLover

what a deep thought.. at least you didn't post a stupid meme.

chung, you realize Trump is gas lighting the House Dem leadership.
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I realize that.. but he is digging himself into trouble. I think most people outside of "the base" would prefer cooperation, instead of obstruction at EVERY turn. especially given the flimsy arguments he gives, saying separation of powers gives him the right. it doesn't. I would rather he be honest and say "I'm gas lighting your ass"

What conduct would you describe as illegal under the charge of obstruction of congress? Originally Posted by friendly fred
nothing.. but that is immaterial.. you guys keep saying Trump has done nothing illegal, maybe so, but that is irrelevant to impeachment. you know it.. maybe you think that is not the way it should be, but it is.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Digging himself?
Nope, but yes filling in the dirt on top of the Dims that dug their own hole for themselves.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Digging himself?
Nope, but yes filling in the dirt on top of the Dims that dug their own hole for themselves. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I disagree.. he set himself up for the impeachment charge, that didn't need to happen. never mind that he won't be convicted, that was never in doubt.
HoeHummer's Avatar
what a deep thought.. at least you didn't post a stupid meme.

I realize that.. but he is digging himself into trouble. I think most people outside of "the base" would prefer cooperation, instead of obstruction at EVERY turn. especially given the flimsy arguments he gives, saying separation of powers gives him the right. it doesn't. I would rather he be honest and say "I'm gas lighting your ass"

nothing.. but that is immaterial.. you guys keep saying Trump has done nothing illegal, maybe so, but that is irrelevant to impeachment. you know it.. maybe you think that is not the way it should be, but it is. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why won’t he cooperate with anybody about anything’s? This has always been his game, eh?

Your president only wants to scrap with anybody and everybody. If the politicians left him alone, he would no doubt scrap with Melania. That is after she got finished smashing PM Trudeau!

If he has nothing to hides, then why is he always fighting, chirping, smearing and attacking everyone who so much as asks him a question? That’s how’s Innocents acts, eh?