Any providers take self defense classes?

After reading some of the posts from the alert section, I'm curious to know how many providers have taken a self defense class? Some of you may be small but it only takes a well placed punch to take a larger person down. E.g. Punch to throat, kick to knee or twist of your arms to get free when someone grips both your wrists, etc.
I took Tae Kwon Do for a few years, but honestly that was mostly just for the discipline and exercise. Not real practical for self-defense.

Hapkido is great for self-defense, but I only took a few classes. I would strongly recommend taking hapkido if you're looking for self-defense techniques, ladies. It can teach a tiny lady like me to take down the biggest of men easily and quickly so you can get away, and also how to keep control of him if necessary.
Traci took me down. But, she didn't have to use Hapkido.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I've taken defensive tactics and PMAB (Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behavior). Any defensive tactics type class can teach you a few moves that can help you take control of a situation. Practicing often helps to keep you on your toes and able to think more quickly. Always stay aware of your surroundings and your situation, ladies and gents.

It's sad to say, but most men (with ill intentions) expect us to be unsuspecting. So if you can multi task at all, always play the "what if" game and always be looking for a way out of a situation should it turn bad. Takes practice. Even with all the alerts out, the odds are not great that you will be assaulted, but ya never know. SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN
I have quite a bit of MMA experience. The only reason that the jackass was able to knock me out is that I had enough time with him that I let my guard down.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I would let Max beat me up
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
I have taken 11 years of MMA
motocrossman39's Avatar
There is a company in DFW which teaches "Dirty Fighting"
Fighting with one Goal, put the attacker out of commision FAST, done and gone-

CaptainJones's Avatar
nothing sexier than a girl who can kick ass
Can you post more info about this company, moto? Or would you PM it to me? I'd be very interested in checking it out.
I have some experience in MMA. Don't be surprised if I can throw up an arm bar or triangle if the situation happens to arise
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 10-13-2010, 12:42 PM
Can you post more info about this company, moto? Or would you PM it to me? I'd be very interested in checking it out. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Pretty simple defense model actually. Eyes (finger jabs/thumbs), ears (flat palm), throat (elbow/straight punch), nose (head butt/palm heel), instep (heel stomp), knees (side/back kick), groin (elbow/knee strke), and solar plexus (elbow strike). It is difficult for them to cause more trouble when they can't see, ears are ringing, barely breathe, or cannot stand. The rest is just practice, practice, practice...

I would encourage anyone to learn and practice these in whatever discipline you take up.

The number one defensive method is to be aware of what is going on around you.
Anyone that knows anything about MMA knows Bas Rutten. He was on his HDNet show and a caller had asked him the number one self Defense. He backs Krav Maga, an Israel Self Defense. You can also check out many instructional Videos from Bas Rutten about self defense on You Tube, look it up, you'll love it this guy is so hyper all the time.

We have a girl in the gym that works out and does the Krav Maga and has become a instructor. She is a regular badass. She came into the gym one day with HUGE bruises all over one half of her body. She explained it was from Passing a Test and she was only 1 out of 4 women to pass it.

I've done a lot of research and from what I've found Krav Maga is the best.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I would let Max beat me up Originally Posted by Nitwitboy
Oh really? I got some moves I could show ya, hon.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Or you could go this route.