CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How convenient. A couple of vital minutes are missing from the so-called "gaffe" of Romney's. Very convenient.

Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

The Legal Insurrection blog's William Jacobson and The Blaze both raised questions on Tuesday about whether Mother Jones had, as promised, revealed the full video, given an apparent jump cut in the critical section of Romney's remarks.

"Something is missing. Romney’s 47% answer was cut off before completed, and is not picked up on the Part 2 audio video," Jacobson noted.

Late Tuesday evening, Jacobson obtained the following comment from David Corn of Mother Jones:

According to the source, the recording device inadvertently turned off. The source noticed this quickly and turned it back one [sic]. The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed.
Corn was forced to update his original post, which promised the "full" video, to reflect the fact that a key portion of the video is, in fact, missing.
There is no way to know, without the missing footage, exactly what Romney said. On Monday evening, Romney called for a complete video of his remarks to be released.

That now turns out to be impossible, either because Romney's remarks were never recorded in full (as Mother Jones now claims), or because some of his remarks--perhaps mitigating some of the controversial effect of his statements--were selectively edited out of the tape by Mother Jones or its chain of sources (including former President Jimmy Carter's grandson).
Earlier on Tuesday, new media pioneer James O'Keefe pointed out the hypocrisy of the mainstream media in accepting, without question, a snippet of a video recording that aimed to portray a Republican in a bad light, while conservatives are still doubted even after providing full video or audio, as O'Keefe did with his famous ACORN tapes.

Whether Romney is right or wrong about the "47 percent" of Americans he says have become dependent on government--he stood by his May remarks on Monday evening--he may have been taken out of context.

Mother Jones has failed a basic test and broken its promise to its readers and the public. There is now reason to doubt that it provided Romney's full remarks--not just the context, but the remarks themselves. And there is new reason to suspect manipulation.

Corn promised the complete version of Romney's remarks. Instead, he provided a version that is missing a large portion of video at the critical moment.

Mother Jones's entire story now deserves to be treated with suspicion, if not contempt.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 01:25 PM
Beerfart reports a tape was doctored?

now thats funny !

hell, they should know how to doctor a damn tape, they obviously had lessons from Hannity
joe bloe's Avatar
No doubt, the missing part of the tape is the part where Romney qualified his comments to make it clear that Republicans don't want the truly needy to suffer.

The tape I want to see is the video the LA Times has been sitting on for four years. It's the video of Obama attending a banquet honoring his close friend, Khalid Rashidi, an anti-semite, terrorist sympathiser and former PLO spokesman. The Times says they can't release it because their source made them promise to not release it; what the Hell sense does that make?
Or he said fuck the doomed ...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 01:48 PM
No doubt, the missing part of the tape is the part where Romney qualified his comments to make it clear that Republicans don't want the truly needy to suffer. Originally Posted by joe bloe

the truly needy ragheads who were supressed by an evil dictator and didnt get to vote so we spend $12 BILLION a month making damn sure they dont "suffer"?


the truly needy AMERICANS who cant afford a ham sandwich three times a week and the republicans want to cut the rest of their "social" support so they wont "suffer"

which needy?
joe bloe's Avatar
Or he said fuck the doomed ... Originally Posted by ekim008
That was a great scene!

Fuck the doomed is at 4:45.
I also noticed this while reading the transcript on MotherJones.

I am pretty sure anything that was missing in that 1 or 2 minutes of speech will do nothing to refute the multiple disparaging statements he used to describe almost half the country. The rest of the 48 minutes of his speech did nothing to help the comments he made as well.
joe bloe's Avatar
I also noticed this while reading the transcript on MotherJones.

I am pretty sure anything that was missing in that 1 or 2 minutes of speech will do nothing to refute the multiple disparaging statements he used to describe almost half the country. The rest of the 48 minutes of his speech did nothing to help the comments he made as well. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
A high percentage of the country deserves to be "disparaged." It's high time we threw the able bodied adults off of welfare. We can't afford to let them freeload any longer.

Romney doesn't need to worry about losing the freeloader vote; they ALWAYS vote for the Dimo's.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 02:04 PM
A high percentage of the country deserves to be "disparaged." It's high time we threw the able bodied adults off of welfare. We can't afford to let them freeload any longer.

Romney doesn't need to worry about losing the freeloader vote; they ALWAYS vote for the Dimo's. Originally Posted by joe bloe

and that from a guy who just said Republicans didnt want the truly needy to suffer ?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There's a difference between someone who is "truly needy" and someone who is a "freeloader". I don't expect you to be able to comprehend that, CBJ7.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2012, 02:11 PM
There's a difference between someone who is "truly needy" and someone who is a "freeloader". I don't expect you to be able to comprehend that, CBJ7. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

if we can spend $12 BILLION bucks a month for over a decade on "free loading" ragheads we can god damn sure afford to feed AMERICANS ... men, women, and CHILDREN.

dont give me the "we cant afford them" bullshit
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-19-2012, 02:13 PM
A high percentage of the country deserves to be "disparaged." It's high time we threw the able bodied adults off of welfare. We can't afford to let them freeload any longer.

Romney doesn't need to worry about losing the freeloader vote; they ALWAYS vote for the Dimo's. Originally Posted by joe bloe
There's a difference between someone who is "truly needy" and someone who is a "freeloader". I don't expect you to be able to comprehend that, CBJ7. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Alright, since you won't answer the question in the other thread, where i posted it 3 times, i'll ask it here.

How many people in your respective families are freeloading moochers who don't pay any federal income taxes?
  • Annef
  • 09-19-2012, 02:16 PM
What was said was said. I don't think it was any big surprise for anybody; it was just finally said out loud. I think Mitt and Republicans will fare better if you just own it. No, this is edited, blah, blah, blah. The idea that democrats are democrats because we are social pariahs, as opposed to the belief (my belief) that the dem platform is really a more sound economically viable platform has been a nascent part of Republican idealology probably since Reagan. Own it. don't be on the run like the democratic party has been from the word "government" for the past twenty years. We're finally starting to own that word. Make it your bitch, man. Might still stand a chance in Nov.
joe bloe's Avatar
and that from a guy who just said Republicans didnt want the truly needy to suffer ?

LMAO Originally Posted by CJ7
What part of "able bodied adults" do you not get? They can do the jobs the illegal aliens are currently doing. These people need to be mowing lawns, picking crops and scrubbing toilets.
Joe do you automatically believe that the 47 percent that pay no federal income taxes are all on welfare? The people who although not paying Federal taxes still contribute to payroll tax, medicare, social security, property taxes and of course retail taxes.

What about the senior citizen who make up 22% of the non payers in this country? Or the 17 percent that consists of full time students, disabled and ill people as well as disable veterans?

I guess we should all say "To hell with those folks." Right?

Do you consider every person on welfare is a freeloader? You know we are talking about Welfare and not social disability, being able bodied has nothing to do with get housing assistance or food stamps- it has to do with your income or lack of income.

It's okay to say what Romney said was stupid without going back on your values or beliefs but what Romney said was idiotic, careless, and far from the truth. Acknowledging that Romney may not be the greatest person for the job doesn't make you any less republican it just means you are able to step aside a look at things independently and back it up with something of substance.