wasted ads

ILuvNips's Avatar

Why is it that people waste adspace that costs them money? No contact info on bp ads seems to be almost a daily occurance. Gotta laugh imagining them expecting the phone ringing off the hook and then...silence.
Not terribly bright. There was an ad I used to see in which the provider left off the last digit of her phone number. Duh! Went through all the trouble to take pics (which looked great) post the ad, etc.and then puts in an incomplete number. Not smart. Everytime I saw her ad I laughed as I imagined her with this puzzled look as to why no one is calling her. Looks like she pulled it though as I just looked.
I wondered if that was a testimonial when I saw it. Maybe borderline but it was kind of an assumption.

But there certainly have been poorly designed BP ads before. A time or two in the past I've emailed them, if there was that option, to say that the number they refer to is not in the ad.
I don't know why I read this week's after it was posted but when I first started I made dumb mistakes too...I was sooo nervous I couldn't think straight. I posted the link to my bp ad on here when I first signed up but it was the link to make changes directly through my email so somebody took the initiative to change my ad for me by posting ridiculous pics of cartoons I believe and msgd me and told me that I would learn quickly. I sure did. I often forgot phone number or placed wrong phone number thank god for signature line on eccie that it gives me one less thing to think about. Brilliance is not my strong suit. Focus, Sara, focus But give some a break there's a huge learning process when stepping into this world.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Could be she is just reaching out to established clients and not new ones.