Ami Horowitz goes to the Cedar-Riverside area of Minneapolis, near the University of Minnesota, and asks residents–Somali immigrants or their children–some questions. Is it hard to be a Muslim in America? Which do you prefer, American law or sharia law? Should people who mock the Prophet Muhammad be killed? Where would you rather live, America or Somalia? This last one, at least, seems like a solvable problem.
Minneapolis Muslims prefer Sharia, want blasphemy laws in US. Note the unanimous opposition to the freedom of speech and support for criminalizing criticism of Islam — and even for murdering those who insult Muhammad (note the casual references to how my colleague Pamela Geller, not mentioned by name but the reference is unmistakable, should be killed). All freely and openly expressed on a sunny day in Minneapolis.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is a serpent in our midst, many serpents. You know, we've had court cases where children were taken from their parents because they were neo Nazis and their personal teachings were an abomination. Is this any different? Should not our hallowed, liberal child protective services be sweeping down to remove these poor children from these monsters? Just asking while I watch liberalism crash headlong into liberalism.
Ami Horowitz goes to the Cedar-Riverside area of Minneapolis, near the University of Minnesota, and asks residents–Somali immigrants or their children–some questions. Is it hard to be a Muslim in America? Which do you prefer, American law or sharia law? Should people who mock the Prophet Muhammad be killed? Where would you rather live, America or Somalia? This last one, at least, seems like a solvable problem.
Minneapolis Muslims prefer Sharia, want blasphemy laws in US. Note the unanimous opposition to the freedom of speech and support for criminalizing criticism of Islam — and even for murdering those who insult Muhammad (note the casual references to how my colleague Pamela Geller, not mentioned by name but the reference is unmistakable, should be killed). All freely and openly expressed on a sunny day in Minneapolis. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What many in the Western a Civilizations do not seem to get is The Muslims really believe this shit. The whole 72 Virgins/kill the infidels/muhammed can't be drawn, etc.

We are trying to reason with people who see nothing wrong in dying for Allah, (ie, killing infidels), or compelling a child to strap on a bomb vest and walk into a crowd.

Islam is a boil on the ass of humanity. They can take all of their Sharia bullshit, their Prophet, and all of their assine beliefs and go straight to hell.

If you throw a Shiite Muslim and a Sunni Muslim off a building, which one will hit the ground first.? .......Who cares, as long as they both splatter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I reject the teachings and customs of today's Islam. I consider those who murder in the name of Allah or any other god or philosophy as heinous criminals.

But I wonder how you Idiot Jihadists who sanctify the fucking constitution can deny anybody their rights without giving up your own?
I reject the teachings and customs of today's Islam. I consider those who murder in the name of Allah or any other god or philosophy as heinous criminals.

But I wonder how you Idiot Jihadists who sanctify the fucking constitution can deny anybody their rights without giving up your own? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well, we can start by zeroing out immigration from largely Muslim countries.

No constitutional issue there.