Upcoming visit to Frankfurt

Airfare and hotel booked. Also have a rental car reserved. One thing that came to mind since I've never traveled internationally is how to handle my play money. Should I take my cash and get it exchanged there or use an atm when I get there? The atm scares me a little. Afraid of a scenario where my card won't work or give me the amount I want which would leave me fucked and not in a good way.

Thoughts from the seasoned vets?
Use an ATM, even better if your bank doesn't charge international transaction fees. I use my Credit Union and Schwab cards. Make sure you tell them you will using it in Germany. In the last 5 years, my card was declined once, went to the next bank and it worked.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to talk to my bank and make sure it will work in the atm and ask about the fees. Not sure what my daily withdrawal limit is either. Might have to get that bumped up while I'm there! Ha.
I ordered euros from my bank in advance. Probably paid too much in exchange rate differential, but I like arriving with local currency in hand. I have had my atm card declined before. Most expenses can be paid with a credit card. Just make sure that it doesn't charge an international transaction fee. Some do, some don't. No brothel that I have been to accepted credit cards, but my sample size is small. Plus, there is no way that I want a whorehouse showing up on my Visa bill.
SpursFan's Avatar
Been to Europe multiple times to include Frankfurt.

Never had any ATM issues by communicating with my bank in advance. Keep a 2nd credit card as backup in case of any emergency. Especially helpful if your card of use waives foreign transaction fees.

Do NOT use airport ATM's as airport machines tend to have higher exchange rates and extra fees.

ATM's near city centers are the way to go an maybe get say 100 dollars worth of euros from a stateside exchange booth just gehave some starting cash.

On auto rental I didn't know that there was a refundable car deposit. It worked out in the end but was an unexpected surprise for me in 2013. Also suggest you contact your credit card concierge service about rental auto insurance. I have auto insurance coverage but the rental company at the airport didn't recognize this and ended up paying for it above and beyond. I was one of two drivers in a party of five so the cost was shared. That rental car place said I needed advance written authorization so get with you credit card and auto insurance to figure this out. My other driver brought his US GPS and it worked like a charm. We named her Helga.

Hope you get to Oase, it's heaven on earth.

My credit card doesn't have international fees and said they will cover the rental car insurance as long as its an ordinary cheap ass car.

Bank only charges 1% on atm withdrawals but I'm still nervous about it declining at the worst time. Probably stupid but I think I might get Euros from the bank before I leave and forget about it.
sean rider's Avatar
I try to come back to the US with 100 euros in my pocket. That way I have 100 to start my next trip and get the rest from ATMs as needed once I arrive. Never had a problem.