Quoting Someone

I saw this post:

http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1059164298&post count=48
in another thread on here.

Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Cool that you mention eyes.
I was fortunate enough to have Cherry Pop visit the mansion tonight.
You can look up my previous reviews both here and on TOS… but what is always SO amazing about a visit with her is the “after”.
She will stare into your eyes with a satisfied smile on her face for a long time. She just keeps looking and smiling….
It’s hard to describe… but she will LOOK at you like and make you FEEL like… this is the BEST sexual experience she has ever had…. and… it makes you feel like it might just be the BEST you have ever had.
I’ve had many girls “put on a performance” during “the act”… but never after
Super post Paul. This is better than average by your standards, because it contains words.

The only real problem with it is that it's world-class male lesbianism.

Now go squeal to your sworn enemies, the evil mods. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Now... there's a bit of a problem there.... I never made that post. If you click on the grey circle with the ">" inside, it should take you to that post... but it doesn't (and can't) because I never made that post.

So my question is -- "Is it okay to make shit up and attribute those words to others?"

Sorry, Maybe that was covered in the ATSH Grad School. I couldn't get a scholarship, so I never took it.....
Alternative facts
They're in vogue now
Ceremony's Avatar
Can't just make the ">" link thing can you? The quote had to have come from somewhere. Somewhere where things should not be quoted and that's why the link doesn't work?

In the immortal words of someone here. Well, this is something.
elghund's Avatar
Can't just make the ">" link thing can you? The quote had to have come from somewhere. Somewhere where things should not be quoted and that's why the link doesn't work?

In the immortal words of someone here. Well, this is something. Originally Posted by Ceremony
It's easy enough to edit a quote any way you want.

Clicking the link would not stop anyone from creating a false quote, with the link taking you to the original, unedited quote.

Ceremony's Avatar
True. Does editing a quote disable the link?
elghund's Avatar
Doesn't seem to as long as you don't delete the lead sentence with the link.....

True. Does editing a quote disable the link? Originally Posted by Ceremony
No. It does not. You just cut all the text and insert your own like I did here Originally Posted by Ceremony
Click on either of those arrows... they will take you to the same post...

Doesn't seem to as long as you don't delete the lead sentence with the link.....

elg..... Originally Posted by elghund

fuckin elg..... Originally Posted by elghund
Couldn't have said it better myself!!
fuckin elg.....

So.... I had some fun... and let everyone know how you can make it look like someone said something that they actually didn't.....

I'm not sure why the other guy did that in the first place.... It will be interesting if he will humor us and let us in on the joke....
elghund's Avatar
The reality is, most fucktards are too lazy to click the link and verify the original post.......so, alternative facts grow.......

fucking guy must be a Dump-ster supporter......

The reality is, most fucktards are too lazy to click the link and verify the original post........ Originally Posted by elghund
And other fucktards find some kind of pleasure in purposely misquoting others... I really wish I could figure out the motive.... it might prove most enlightening!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Wow Paul those are shockingly male lesbian statements.

I am sure whoever said that shit gave up on being a self-respecting male years ago.

Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention, it's horrifying.
Wow Paul those are shockingly male lesbian statements. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Which one's?
Can you quote them for me?
That could be fun!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Paul you and your male lesbian friends sound exactly like Oprah Winfrey and her audience immediately after a tragic event which doesn't dovetail with your feminized world view, like your favorite cosmetics company going out of business.
I didn't think you could quote something specific....
Just more lame unsubstantiated drivel....
You are boring me.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Paul your next move should be to go on a diet, run a marathon, do a talk show about it, and then gain the hundred and fifty pounds you lost back.
You sure do like using my name....
PM -- Is NBT sweet on me??